Saturday, December 10, 2011

its beginning to look a lot like christmas!

This weekend I am so excited about! My dads side family Christmas party and boyfriend is coming with! Never have I brought a boy for a family function before, so I am a bit nervous and excited at the same time!  He is someone so great so I cant wait to show him off.  I'm also super excited to see all of my family, because we are so big its hard to get together all the time. Especially for me because I don't live close to anyone.

Sunday we are also going to the Hollidazzle parade! Down town MSP.  This will be big for him since I don't think he has ever been to the twin cities.  Pandora has had the Christmas Station on the last few days now.  I just love the gift of giving and it will definitely mean so much more this season!

PS. New Obsession: Tea with lemon. Its crazy good.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

something amazing

Waking up bright and early just so you can lay in bed and snuggle until its really time to rush out of bed because you lost track of time and your going to be late! Well, that's me almost every morning.
I know I am cheesy, weird, constantly smiling and laughing, he never leaves my mind, missing him when I'm not with him and sometimes thinking about a long future with him scares me.  I'm only 21 and have never been in love before nor have had someone treat me this well.  I know I cant say I love him after almost 3 months but I am falling in love with him.  They say when you know you know, but I do not want to rush anything.  I have my whole life ahead of me and often I think how I would love to share it with him.

I pray all my girlfriends will find someone great one day, someone who they miss all the time and fills their life with joy. That that man never goes a day with out kissing your forehead, squeezing you tight and calling you beautiful more than once.  Here I never thought a man like this could exists.  I'm so blessed to have him in my life!

One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

Monday, December 5, 2011

were walking in a winter wonderland

Enjoyed a wonderful weekend filled with Christmas and friends!
Friday was a Christmas party and the roomies Grandparents, and Saturday was spent getting bundled up and heading out to the woods and cutting down a tree with the boyfriends roommate's!  What a wonderful way to get into the spirit of Christmas! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Today is December 1st!!

Bring on the Christmas lights, the love, the parties, the glitter, the hugs and kisses, the dresses, the fun and the drinks!

loving everything red, glittery, and the newest thing, fur :)
And for the cherry on top, opened the blinds this morning to find snow!

Monday, November 28, 2011

all that I am thankful for

Thanksgiving was nice this year.  Starting to do the whole, what day with mom and what day with dad thing but it went well.  I am so thankful for all the I have and who I have in my life.  Yes, it has been a rough year of sadness but, no one has dyed and no one is sick. very thankful.

Things I am thankful this year:
  • my faith, has got me through all the hard times and has only grew stronger.
  • my health, that I can work out and be fit and have nothing wrong with me.
  • my family, though it is split now my relationships with each one has gotten so much stronger.
  • my friends, girlfriends. they are my sister I never had and have been such a great support system and lift up for me.  I am so grateful for their presence in my life.
  • my education. that I can go to school to get a degree.
  • the house that I have, no matte what happens in life I will have some place to call home.
  • the clothes in my closet. never do I need to worry about having nothing to wear (but sometimes I feel that way).
  • the little things in life that make me happy. like a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • cant forget about the boyfriend. not only am I falling in love with this guy but he is becoming so much more than just the title "boyfriend" this is Gods plan, and though I may never understand why now. Someday it will all make perfect sense.

I also hit up black Friday... boy this year was an adventure. with stores opening up much earlier and all the deals! it was awesome! Went with my two great friends Lauren and Ashley.. it is not a tradition since its the third year in a row!!  We are such troopers.  Scored some great deals at Victoria... never bought a bra there buy not own two!! The girls are much more secure.

Monday, November 21, 2011

oh the mondays

After the ticket with the police.. total BS by the way, the excel bill comes.  We are in college. We are not made of money but we are made of loans.  Rent is also due soon, and Christmas is coming up.  But its just money.  No one in my family is dying, everyone is healthy, and I get to see the people I love most very soon. 

Me and two of my other friends from school have now started a bible study on Sunday nights at caribou.  I'm so excited about this.  We decided that we could read the book Captivating, unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul.  So far its awesome, we all relate so much and could sit and talk for hours.  I'm just glad because this will give me an opportunity to open up and share my thoughts and my fail and how this portrays to my life. One of the girls said, when we look at our life and the little problem we are learning to deal with, we must think; it could be so much worse.  Which is right.  I had to remember how blessed and lucky I have to have the people and the things in my life.

Also, missing the boyfriend.  It will be the longest we have been apart in like two months... pathetic I know. But oh well, just goes to show I have one heck of a wonderful dude in my life. 
This picture was captured on my birthday eve. How precious.

I cant wait to be home and see all my other wonderful loves that I miss dearly.  Also the guys too, the boys who love me for me and know my past too well HAHA .  Black Friday shopping will be awesome! Cant believe its already that time again!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

finally 21

My Birthday was a blast! I had the most wonderful people there to help me celebrate and I couldn't feel more blessed!
Jaim and I holding big girl drinks at the bar!
This is what you look like when you turn 21
:) Kate looks a bit weird... forgive her.
At our house before we went out. Love you all!
Hello Boyfriend. You rock
the famous Laur Ann cake that took hours just for me. A huge hit and tasted delicious!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

loving november

Two days till the big 21!!! its bitter sweet. Defining me more of an adult I ever thought was possible and really putting the big girl underwear on.

Feeling more and more blessed with all my relationships in my life. My girlfriends, my family and now  my boyfriend... boy that is weird to say.  But truly someone who I feel very blessed to have come into my life.

The holidays are fast approaching, and though it will be tough this year, I have to remember how thankful I am for all that I have in my life.  Christmas music is starting to play everywhere and I am in love with sweaters and boots!  Just bought a leather jacket, ya know those cute cropped ones from targ botique ( target).  I feel pretty BA in it and now being 21 I think its perfectly OK to own one.

Also, newest obsession... pinterest! Loving everything about it and always pinning like crazy when I really should be doing other things.  Now going to make myself some cocoa, to warm my soul!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

be yourself

I hear this and see this all the time. I believe it to the hilt. But like every other girl sometimes we forget to be our self and try to be someone we are not. Maybe for a week or just a day.  Then we sit back and think to ourselves this isn't me, why should I be like this. I have crossed that path a few times in a few different stages of my almost 21 years.  Try to do my hair like a certain girl, or wear a certain name brand, talk a certain way, and sometimes even act. Why? I really cant tell you that.  But growing up I realized I LOVE who I am. The crazy, weird unique, fun, loving, kind person I am.  And it simply goes like this, if someone doesn't like you for all your wonderful traits why even bother trying.  The simply don't deserve your greatness.

I have said this times before. But I am so thankful for all my girlfriends who love me for who I am.  Yes, they roll there eyes, and don't laugh when I laugh, or just stare when I do something weird and I love it.  I love them for who they are and each of them bring in different joy to my life each day.

And now, I think I have myself a boy who wouldn't want me to be anything but what I am now.  He laughs and my weirdness and of course accepts it. Doesn't judge me for wearing sweat pants 5 days a week.  Loves when I wake up with no makeup on and smile. Because in the morning that's the best makeup a girl can wear.  Tells me he wants to show me off, and is excited to bring me into his world.  Never to I have to be someone I'm not, he has dried my tears more than once and just holds me when he doesn't know what to say. And that to me is perfect.  Every girl can be an emotional emily especially when they are on there monthly cycle, and lately my emotions have been bouncing off the walls.  He becomes my positive when I am negative and always tells me nothing is as bad as it seems. And he is right, even when I am too stubborn to admit it. We only dated per say for a month before we labeled ourselves as "boyfriend girlfriend". I can say though, he has been the best thing that has happened to me. I never knew something so great was out there.

Enjoying this life one day at a time. That's the best way, God has already shown me so many surprises.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have been absent due to computer issues.  Not enjoyable let me tell you.  But since this is my twenty something journal I must keep up since life always seems to surprise me!

I have a boyfriend. Yes, I use to joke and say that word just when I liked someone... pathetic I know. BUT its true.  A guy who approached me and gave me his number and I didn't call him for two weeks... that does look horrible but look where we are now. Crazy, happy, loving all the time we get to spend together.  Its new and exciting and I'm just still unsure on what to believe.  He simply is the best yet, I have never felt so many wonderful things about a person than I do about him.  Here I thought someone so great never really existed.  God must be up to something up there I guess.  Its been about 5 weeks now that this what seems to be a fairy tale has started. The things he does and says, puts a smile on my face for the whole day. 

I'm so blessed to not only have great girlfriends and family but now to add a guy who is crazy about me to the list.  I brought him home to meet the fam last night and all went well.  I enjoyed it very much and it was so nice knowing someone cares so much about me and always wanting to get to know more me.  More will come from him.  He is simply awesome.

Monday, October 3, 2011

good morning sun

Today, it will be a good day. The sun is shining and I was greeted with a morning kiss. The only thing missing is coffee, but its OK. 
I think that the girlfriends I have are simply the best.  Each unique in there own way and each give me joy in their own way. 
Someday we'll forget the hurt, the reason we cried, and who caused us pain. We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenged, but letting things unfold in their own way and own time. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our life which shows how well we ran the race. So smile, laugh, forgive, believe, and love all over again

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hello new boy and new thoughts

So there is this new boy, yup there is. The boy the approached me at a party wanting to take me out, the boy who went to a friend to get my number, and the boy who called me instead of texting me.  He is also the guy, who set up a date with me and I backed out. My feelings were not all there yet.  The boy who skipped the bars to dance in our living room with my and my roommates to old 90's tunes.  The boy who stayed with me since my house was all empty on a Friday night and the boy who made our first date pure bliss. Breakfast and a Crystal Cave.  All his idea, he had it planned and we went on a whim.  Drove around in his Chevy listening to country music on a beautiful Sunday. I think that screams perfect.  I have never felt so adored before. And truth is I enjoy it.  We will just see what happens and take each day one day at a time.

Tony and I

Our 90's dance party night. Pure awesomeness

I also said goodbye for now to the boy that never kissed me. It was a feeling that could not be described but I wanted to know so bad.  I waited too long for him and gave him too many chances and he didn't grab onto like he should of if he really wanted to keep me.  Of course I'm a girl so it was emotional and tears were shed. It felt like a breakup HAHA but its for the better right now .  We will forever be friends, but need a break so the feelings can pass. And only God knows what the future will hold.

Its our homecoming this weekend! Looking forward to this fun crazy weekend :)!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

fresh flowers

Sometimes the littlest things can bring such joy! Especially on this rainy day.  These are beautiful flowers from the local farmers market here in town! I fell in love with it today, but wished it had been better weather. I will attend each week now :)!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I wanna scream

Sometimes I get that urge to just wanna scream.  I know its normal because, if girls out there like me have boy issues or just overwhelmed with craziness... screaming may be the only way to  be heard.  At least we think so.

I'm going nuts because I want to talk to someone who I think I wanna be with.  But if he doesn't seem to wanna be with me 85 percent of the time why should I wanna be with him.  When he doesn't talk to me I go crazy and probably prevented myself from talking to him 10 times today. This just sucks. So now you get the whole scream thing? Good.

Another night full of prayer to the man who guides me through life.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Here is me trying out the new web cam, trying to be cute and all HAHA my oh my. Anyhoo I have a lot of thoughts racing through my head tonight, or should I say a lot of boys. Lets not lie here.  I guess I am stubborn and don't wanna settle, and when it comes to the not so good boys I get hooked but when a good one comes along I get scared?  Maybe its because I don't want something good right now because I don't wanna settle down, or I'm just not use to the niceness.  I'm confused. HELP.

If I haven't made it clear already there are not so good boys, well not that there bad but they could be trying a little better if they truly wanted to be with me. I don't think I'm wrong there.  But now this new boy, total stranger till this year has done about everything right.  To approaching me first, finding out my number (cause when he gave me his I did nothing with it) and CALLING me, not texting and wanting to take me out really bad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. He had talked to a friend of mine at the bar and this is what she told me her conversation was with him:

first asked if i knew you than told me of the first time he met you and how he couldn't keep his eyes off you and how he had to get some "liquid courage" before he could actually approach you and he couldn't get over how "stunning" you were.

That is one of the nicest things a guy has ever said about me. Just too sweet. He seems very nice and all so I guess Ill be asking God to show me a lot of signs as to why I should try this out.  He is the cute, but I guess my eyes wouldn't notice him right away.  Like my mother has always told me "you always have you mind set on what you want, and nothing really can change that. You have been that way since you came out of the wound" which I believe is true.  Something I guess you could say I am trying to work on.  Learning to not look too far into situations with boys and accepting the fact that there will be some that wont stay very long.  Before I start to not make sense mines well stop now HAHA.

When stuff like this happens only God knows what way I should choose and will choose in a matter of time.  I guess I shall sleep good tonight know someone said those kind sweet words to me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the bou

Being back at school has all sorts of perks. One being all the fun study and homework dates at Caribou Coffee.  A great coffee place that's mostly in the Midwest.  Since fall is fastly approaching, I'm loving the smell of coffee more and more and the feeling of being in a warm place.  There sweaters of the coffee cups have the saying on it life is short, stay awake for it. So lately what I am staying awake for is:

late night chats with my roommates
early morning runs
flirty talks with boys
the fall weather right around the corner
endless laughs
beautiful sunsets
night walks with my roommates
cooking meals in my new house
TV shows returning

P.S. craving a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and some new fall wardrobe


Sunday, September 11, 2011


I remember it very clearly that day.  I was in 5th grade and walking into class when the TV was on and everyone was asking what was going on.  I believe I asked my friend Christy and she had told me planes crashed into buildings.  That morning the whole school met in the gym where our principle talked about what was going on and told teachers to keep the TVs off. I did not like that idea at all because I like to know what is going on.  One of the other 5th grade teachers let her kids watch it.  She was the cool young teacher, Mrs. Urness. I loved her.  I went to New York about three years ago, but we never made it to ground zero memorial.  I would love to go there someday again and visit it.  I love history and its insane to think I was apart of this major event that went down in my kids history books.  My prayers go out to all those families that were effected by this and lost loved ones.  To all those who serve for our country so we can be free.  I have so much respect for them.

"If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate,'' Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl

School has now started. Hello Junior year!  Its already been awesome.  I love my house and my roommates.  So far, I think I will also like my classes to and will have plenty to do!  I'm ready for fall, this may be my favorite time of the year.  The cool weather, the trees changing colors, the pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, jeans, boots, pumpkin patches and apple orchards. I just love it. Oh! and my birthday is also in November! 21 this year... I may have mentioned it a time or two before HAHA

I went to Church today, alone.  Its something I have never done before. And the sweetest thing is I didn't feel alone, or out of place.  It felt great to worship God and be in a place that is full of love for him and hearing the pastors message.  Its a great start to Sunday.  I also got to spend some good quality time with my dad.  He truly is one of a kind, and so grateful for him everyday.

Jack, on his first day of school of his senior year! So excited for him.  I remember my senior like yesterday and am so excited to see all that the year brings him.  I am so proud of the person he is, I could not ask for a better brother and friend in him.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

the dress

Tonight I had a wonderful dinner and shopping with my Aunt and cousin! We try to do that twice a year, and now that me and my cousin Ali are both in college it gets tough.  But we shopped till we dropped! While rummaging through the sale rack I came across a hot little black dress that just screamed my name and practically pulled me into the rack! It was marked down to 20 bucks. A steal right? YES.  So i tried it on and of course visioned myself in black heels and lookin super pretty and I could not say no.  I know my birthday is not for another 2 months but it never hurts to start looking early! Oh and did I mention it will be my 21st.  That most defiantly calls for a special dress.  Getting home tonight my Dad and brother also approve. Thank goodness, because they have not been a fan of some things in the past HAHA  I wont post it now but when I'm in it look out for pictures galore! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

random thoughts

Too often lately I would love to just pack a small bag and go somewhere like this, how awesome. It would be so relaxing and peaceful.  It would be nice to go with a love, but I don't have one.  So, I would take a girlfriend or my mom for a weekend get away.  Visioning now drinking coffee on that deck. Speechless.

I love flowers, I am sometimes by them for myself, not kidding either.  I want gardens some day, and lots of them.  I want a guy to bring me flowers just because, they could be from the side of the road and I would not care.  I also love photograpghy. I am good at taking pictures and would love more practice and take it up as a side job.  I love capurting candid moments of family and friends, and would love to also capture some of natures beauty.

This verse I replay over in my head almost every day and a lot in the past year.  Its one of my favorites because it is true.  In my darkess days this past year I say it to myself and I know things are going to be OK. When people come in and out of my life, its for a reason.  And only God knows.. and each one teaches me a lesson that God wanted me to know and that is his way of teaching me. I dont always like it, but I learn and grow.  I cant fret about the future like usually do because it ruins mty present time.  Its in God's hand and he has a much better plan for me than I have for myself.  My road has been very rough, but its slowly getting better.  I have grown so much in my faith and myself.  I am so thankful for that.

Currently obsessed with this song at the moment. Love it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

good mornings

For some reasons mornings are my favorite. I just plain old love them.  Maybe, its because they mean the start of a new day, or you can drink coffee in the quiet, or maybe its the rise of the sun that wakes my soul up for all the days possibilities.  I just love mornings.

This year, I'm looking forward to waking up in my house and sipping on coffee before class, checking my blogs while the sun peers through my windows, and sitting in my pajamas.  One of the great things also, it the texts you sometimes wake up to. Those are simply the best.  Last year a dear friend of mine would text me in the morning twice a week when we had class together and I LOVED it.  No, it wasn't from a guy, but a girlfriend and it was still sweet to wake up to.  The next relationship I am in, I want those cute text.  It takes like less then a second to text someone something cute in the morning.  But they have to want to, it will be important to me so I hope it will be important to them.  Getting a text is a great way to start off the day, and puts a smile on your face before you even get out of bed!

I absolutely love this, one day :)
I also can sport this well.

Cheers to mornings!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

lets catch up on this crazy thing call life

Its been awhile but sometimes life just gets in the way and you wanna go crazy and just scream.  Too often that happened to me this summer, but I made it through.  I have about two weeks left before I head back to school and am looking forward to this year and what it all has to offer for me.  Ill be living in a house with three other amazing girlfriends and also be turning 21 during my junior year.  A few years ago I thought that this time would never come, being half way done with college. It has been a wonderful experience and I have met some amazing people that make me think where have you been my whole life.  So, cheers to a new year and a new beginning.

Now, for some catching up on this twenty girls crazy summer...

My dad is now healing in the smallest way with the divorce and is no longer angry.  It breaks my heart when I see him sad or see him cry and try my toughest to lift him up with positive thoughts.  Its been about 7 months since this horrible thing has happened but sure has made me look at life differently and how you treat people that you love.  And also my vision of love too.  Its not easy, and I think when you I do fall in love it will be hard to me to open up and let people in.  I'm still working on that with all the past failed relationships.  Like they say you must be with all the wrong ones before you find the right one.

My mom has started to date, and has a "boyfriend" but when I talk about him I just refer to him as her friend. He is a very nice guy and makes her happy.. but I still think it was too fast.  For some reason it doesnt bother me as much as I thought it would... but my brother on the other hand has had a tough time with it.  If it makes her happy she should be with him since she has not felt that way in a long time.  Just like me she will date guys some longer than the other, it is still weird to think about.  I pray that my dad can find happiness again, and love.  It will take him longer but I believe he will be ok, and he will find someone to share some happines with.

Last summer I had absolutely no romance, and now this summer more than one romance has occurred.  in previous post about the guy that didn't kiss me... well he turned out also to stop talking to me also, to talking to me again, to stop talking to me.  What a winner right? I was so upset the first time because there was no reason just plain old stopped.  That all was cleared up about three weeks later, but I had moved on from being bitter from it because I was not about to waste my feelings on him.  I know we are still OK and I could call him for a favor and he would come to my rescue... I guess its a perfect example of something that is not meant to be.

Now, for the next boy this summer.  So far he has topped them all.  He works for my moms "friend"
and has been wanting to meet me pretty much the whole summer.  I was always hesitate because my mother and I don't always have the same taste in looks HAHA and I was still hung up on the jerk from school.  But I ended up meeting him at a fish weigh in and I thought he was pretty awesome for the 20 minutes that we spoke.  He finally got my number and we went out on a date.  Fishing and dairy queen.  It was wonderful and he did kiss me once the night ended!  And the nights after that also when ever I saw him.  Last week we spent a lot of time together and I grew to like him more and more.  I know I know he likes me though we have never told one another.  Now he is back at school, with less free time to talk I feel like its already drifting... I dont know much about him and the way he works but I need to slow my thinking down or I am just going end up disappointing myself again. NO GOOD.  For now, I have to look at it as something new, and accept the fact his life has a change it because he now has school and see how much effort he makes into talking to me.  My brother has told me more than once I hold onto guys longer than I should, and I do.  I cant    keep doing that.  He is pretty awesome and I am willing to work at it if he does, and if he gives up (like every other guy I have known) that just means there is better out there.

Whew, enough of venting! Mi goodness.  With all the craziness this summer I am so thankful for the love and support from my girlfriends and family.  Never new the beginning of my twenties would be so emotional but it has just made me a stronger person and I found out how tough I really am.

No one promised life would be easy, but they promised it would be worth it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I still have a purpose on this earth

Saturday morning was a bit rough to say the least.  My mom and I were headed to do some shopping and it had started storm bad that morning. I was driving and we were just talking about life, well the downs of it at that moment.  How many problems the Focus has for one, and what we were going to do that afternoon regards to shopping.  My mom even offered to drive, but I knew I could handle it.  The rain was getting heavy and the stupid defrost switch did not work, so plan B right?  Well, that included my mom unbuckling her seat belt and taking a napkin to wipe off the wind shield so I could see.  And in that few minutes I started to hydroplane which led to us rolling the car and sliding in the ditch on our side..

All's I could think about was "ill be OK, stay strong, God is with us, we will be OK"  And to his mercy we were.  Since my mother didn't have her seat belt on she flew around in the car, so sad.  She landed on me and i started to panic because I was stuck and Ill's I wanted to do was get up pop open the door and find my phone to call 911.  To the angels who had already stopped the police was on their way.  I immediately called my Dad with the horrible news and told him we were OK but to meet us at the hospital.  The of course I had to call my brother... he had to know and poor thing that was his wake up call because he was sleeping.

A man had taken off his shirt in the pouring rain for my moms face since there was blood everywhere.  Other angels climb on top of the car to help me and her out since we were too weak to get our selves out.  More angels had also gave us blankets to wrap in since it was cold and rainy.  We still have a blanket that we now call our "angel blanket" Ill never be able to thank those people but we are ever so grateful for them.  God was really with us that morning along with my grandma.  We rode off in the ambulance, me with no scratches and mom in bad pain because her head had hit the windshield.  She looked like she got beat up but is getting better each day with all her bruises and swollen face.

God still wants us on this earth, why?  I'm still trusting the path of my life in his hands and that day was just proof miracles happen since we could of been killed and it was not our time to leave.  Just so blessed with all the kind strangers that stopped and the warm wishes from family and friends.  Just another reason to think, what a year this has been.

On to happy news now!  That night was my dear friends 20th birthday and we went to the fun Chino Latinos, did some shopping and celebrated that night.  A rock star I was.  I did hit the hay early but I was tired and sore so I was allowed to HAHA. Scored some cute dresses that I cant wait to wear :) 

Looking forward to the rest of the weekend and weekend! Oh and ONE week till WE FEST :)

Us girls that night with the birthday girl Lauren!

Oh PS this song I heard from a good friend is just too cute!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

them boys

So, lately with all the fuss and buss about life, I always try and find a reason to smile.  And today my roommate did just that for me.  With a phone call to catch up and a card in the mail to help remind myself that I am special and that I deserve the best and he IS out there.  The old fling I had for about three months.. well he still is in my head. Why? Well because he still tells me he misses me and that I will always be special to him.  It just sucked that life had to get in the way of us trying to build a relationship.  So, I guess I can say there is proof that total strangers can become special people.  I do miss him, but I have not told him that.  I have too many other things on my plate.  Colby I thought described my thoughts for this boy very well.

I hope to see him before summer ends.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

night swimming!

Us girls last night out on the boat in the 100 degree weather! Well worth it.  It was such a pretty night with the sun setting, loons calling, and good tunes to rock to. Oh and cant forget the great people!  I got to be the captain once also :) the bugs were just so bad we had to move.  Me and L also were the first two to jump in and to our surprise when we popped up the boat was taking off. Yes, talk about rude.  I handled it very well where she on the other had was a bit panic HAHA the night ended with some drinks and great talks.  FINALLY, my great girl Scotti is now home! And it was such a joy to have her presence back.  Cant wait to finish this summer off with crazy adventures!


Monday, July 18, 2011

bits of sunshine

best brother in the world
a true best friend
fishing for the first time in years!

this song is AWESOME!

these words