Monday, September 19, 2011


Here is me trying out the new web cam, trying to be cute and all HAHA my oh my. Anyhoo I have a lot of thoughts racing through my head tonight, or should I say a lot of boys. Lets not lie here.  I guess I am stubborn and don't wanna settle, and when it comes to the not so good boys I get hooked but when a good one comes along I get scared?  Maybe its because I don't want something good right now because I don't wanna settle down, or I'm just not use to the niceness.  I'm confused. HELP.

If I haven't made it clear already there are not so good boys, well not that there bad but they could be trying a little better if they truly wanted to be with me. I don't think I'm wrong there.  But now this new boy, total stranger till this year has done about everything right.  To approaching me first, finding out my number (cause when he gave me his I did nothing with it) and CALLING me, not texting and wanting to take me out really bad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. He had talked to a friend of mine at the bar and this is what she told me her conversation was with him:

first asked if i knew you than told me of the first time he met you and how he couldn't keep his eyes off you and how he had to get some "liquid courage" before he could actually approach you and he couldn't get over how "stunning" you were.

That is one of the nicest things a guy has ever said about me. Just too sweet. He seems very nice and all so I guess Ill be asking God to show me a lot of signs as to why I should try this out.  He is the cute, but I guess my eyes wouldn't notice him right away.  Like my mother has always told me "you always have you mind set on what you want, and nothing really can change that. You have been that way since you came out of the wound" which I believe is true.  Something I guess you could say I am trying to work on.  Learning to not look too far into situations with boys and accepting the fact that there will be some that wont stay very long.  Before I start to not make sense mines well stop now HAHA.

When stuff like this happens only God knows what way I should choose and will choose in a matter of time.  I guess I shall sleep good tonight know someone said those kind sweet words to me.

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