Sunday, September 11, 2011


I remember it very clearly that day.  I was in 5th grade and walking into class when the TV was on and everyone was asking what was going on.  I believe I asked my friend Christy and she had told me planes crashed into buildings.  That morning the whole school met in the gym where our principle talked about what was going on and told teachers to keep the TVs off. I did not like that idea at all because I like to know what is going on.  One of the other 5th grade teachers let her kids watch it.  She was the cool young teacher, Mrs. Urness. I loved her.  I went to New York about three years ago, but we never made it to ground zero memorial.  I would love to go there someday again and visit it.  I love history and its insane to think I was apart of this major event that went down in my kids history books.  My prayers go out to all those families that were effected by this and lost loved ones.  To all those who serve for our country so we can be free.  I have so much respect for them.

"If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate,'' Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl

School has now started. Hello Junior year!  Its already been awesome.  I love my house and my roommates.  So far, I think I will also like my classes to and will have plenty to do!  I'm ready for fall, this may be my favorite time of the year.  The cool weather, the trees changing colors, the pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, jeans, boots, pumpkin patches and apple orchards. I just love it. Oh! and my birthday is also in November! 21 this year... I may have mentioned it a time or two before HAHA

I went to Church today, alone.  Its something I have never done before. And the sweetest thing is I didn't feel alone, or out of place.  It felt great to worship God and be in a place that is full of love for him and hearing the pastors message.  Its a great start to Sunday.  I also got to spend some good quality time with my dad.  He truly is one of a kind, and so grateful for him everyday.

Jack, on his first day of school of his senior year! So excited for him.  I remember my senior like yesterday and am so excited to see all that the year brings him.  I am so proud of the person he is, I could not ask for a better brother and friend in him.

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