Tuesday, August 30, 2011

the dress

Tonight I had a wonderful dinner and shopping with my Aunt and cousin! We try to do that twice a year, and now that me and my cousin Ali are both in college it gets tough.  But we shopped till we dropped! While rummaging through the sale rack I came across a hot little black dress that just screamed my name and practically pulled me into the rack! It was marked down to 20 bucks. A steal right? YES.  So i tried it on and of course visioned myself in black heels and lookin super pretty and I could not say no.  I know my birthday is not for another 2 months but it never hurts to start looking early! Oh and did I mention it will be my 21st.  That most defiantly calls for a special dress.  Getting home tonight my Dad and brother also approve. Thank goodness, because they have not been a fan of some things in the past HAHA  I wont post it now but when I'm in it look out for pictures galore! 

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