Monday, August 29, 2011

random thoughts

Too often lately I would love to just pack a small bag and go somewhere like this, how awesome. It would be so relaxing and peaceful.  It would be nice to go with a love, but I don't have one.  So, I would take a girlfriend or my mom for a weekend get away.  Visioning now drinking coffee on that deck. Speechless.

I love flowers, I am sometimes by them for myself, not kidding either.  I want gardens some day, and lots of them.  I want a guy to bring me flowers just because, they could be from the side of the road and I would not care.  I also love photograpghy. I am good at taking pictures and would love more practice and take it up as a side job.  I love capurting candid moments of family and friends, and would love to also capture some of natures beauty.

This verse I replay over in my head almost every day and a lot in the past year.  Its one of my favorites because it is true.  In my darkess days this past year I say it to myself and I know things are going to be OK. When people come in and out of my life, its for a reason.  And only God knows.. and each one teaches me a lesson that God wanted me to know and that is his way of teaching me. I dont always like it, but I learn and grow.  I cant fret about the future like usually do because it ruins mty present time.  Its in God's hand and he has a much better plan for me than I have for myself.  My road has been very rough, but its slowly getting better.  I have grown so much in my faith and myself.  I am so thankful for that.

Currently obsessed with this song at the moment. Love it.

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