Monday, November 28, 2011

all that I am thankful for

Thanksgiving was nice this year.  Starting to do the whole, what day with mom and what day with dad thing but it went well.  I am so thankful for all the I have and who I have in my life.  Yes, it has been a rough year of sadness but, no one has dyed and no one is sick. very thankful.

Things I am thankful this year:
  • my faith, has got me through all the hard times and has only grew stronger.
  • my health, that I can work out and be fit and have nothing wrong with me.
  • my family, though it is split now my relationships with each one has gotten so much stronger.
  • my friends, girlfriends. they are my sister I never had and have been such a great support system and lift up for me.  I am so grateful for their presence in my life.
  • my education. that I can go to school to get a degree.
  • the house that I have, no matte what happens in life I will have some place to call home.
  • the clothes in my closet. never do I need to worry about having nothing to wear (but sometimes I feel that way).
  • the little things in life that make me happy. like a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • cant forget about the boyfriend. not only am I falling in love with this guy but he is becoming so much more than just the title "boyfriend" this is Gods plan, and though I may never understand why now. Someday it will all make perfect sense.

I also hit up black Friday... boy this year was an adventure. with stores opening up much earlier and all the deals! it was awesome! Went with my two great friends Lauren and Ashley.. it is not a tradition since its the third year in a row!!  We are such troopers.  Scored some great deals at Victoria... never bought a bra there buy not own two!! The girls are much more secure.

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