Friday, April 29, 2011

prom weekend!!

Sadly, I no longer can attend prom and I figured I could not try and replace the actual pictures that hold all the memories.  So, this is ME in the red :) and me senior is the year where everything was perfect! The hair I loved, and the dress fit awesome and I was currently crazy about my date.  The weather was also nice, a bit chilly but the sun was shining so that's all that really mattered!  Now, this weekend is my brothers weekend to glow.  Its only his junior prom but I am just SO excited to see him and all the girls in their dresses!

This is Samantha and I, and shout out to her and her 20th birthday tomorrow!! WHOOO.

With my two favorite people in the world, mom and dad.

Our Group all the ladies :)
the flowers, always a pretty thing to look at!

me and my HOT date.

Last by not least, meet my roommate! Miss L, looking flawless in this gorgeous dress she HAD to have was not going to settle for anything less :)

A little over the top with the post, but Prom was just so much fun, the planning, the shopping and the dancing! Now, we will have weddings to look forward too :) So I will post pics of my brothers Prom after this weekend!
The sun is shining today, so a million reasons to smile today!

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