Monday, April 4, 2011

road trip

And thats what we are doing!! Well, me and two of my favorite friends in the world.  It will only be about 3 hours from school... that is if we dont get lost!  Which im a bit worried we might... but thats a price you have to pay when you have the slightest idea but one road on where you are going.  L has a big gig she needs to attend and to and me and K are going with to support her and also to have some fun of course in a town we have never been in!  It will be good to get away and be with the one im closest with here at school. 

I think I have been in a bit of a slump and only a few things can be joyful in my life and Id just rather be alone than with a lot of people.  Just not my cup of tea at the moment and I think its ok.  Being along often brings the mind to think a lot and solve problems and also just rest. Its needed often in my life, my alone time ahhhh ha.
This would be a great place to escape... obber cute room!! I must will have room like this in my future homes where I can go and relax and fill it with all my favortie things!  To either nap, think, read, blog, or to just be alone.  I think every women needs a place where she can escape.  There area alwsays a million things on our mind and once in awhile we need to just leave, go some place.  The mall would be nice.. but who has that money probably 5 days a week HAHA.  Next year I will have my own house... well renting it but Ill have my own room and that will be better than anything!! The best part is I get to decorate it fit me and who I am!

road trips deets next time,

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