Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Dear Friend

Happy Birthday To my dear roommate/best friend! Today you are 20!!!

I'm so excited for you to embark on the life of your twenties! You deserve nothing but the world.  Your ambition and your passion will take you far in life and I'm so excited to see where you will go.  You have one of my best friends since we were 16 years told. How time flys.  You have been a friend in so many ways for me, from midnight phone calls filled with tears to last minute stops along the way of life and bringing me dinner at work when I had no food HAHA

You truly glow where ever you go, and who ever spots you will see a smile on your face and a coffee in your hand.  Two years as roommates and I could have not had a better college experience.  You are more of a sister with the advice, wisdom, and guidance you give me.  You deserve the world and like you dad has told you, "someone should kiss the ground you walk on" so true.  We will find that someday, we just have to be patient till then. 

My wish for you is to find a reason to smile everyday, that you find the good in everyone and every situation. That the sun is always shining for you, and the littlest things bring you joy.  That you follow all of your dreams and you never give up when obstacles get in the way.  That you stay true to yourself forever and true to what you believe in!

L, I love you so much and am so blessed to have you in my life. Love you forever, Jo Jo Bunny.

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