Wednesday, April 20, 2011

reasons to smile

Though this is SUPER funny, I did not receive carrots or flowers from a boy. Sad face. But that's alright, because right now I think I have got some even better things in the last 24 for hours from my girlfriends.
With the crappy weather, and non stop emotions where I sometimes feel a lone, I'm not.  But I think its OK to feel like that sometimes in order for someone to sit back and reflect all the great things they do have in life.  And one of the greatest gifts I know will never run out of style is the gift of friendship!

Ex. 1.  Upon my roommates arrival back to our little dorm I was missing.  Ooops. I was busy burning calories while she was busy trying to find me! We tend to have off schedules a lot. Any who when I return to our little dorm of love I find a sprinkled cup cake sitting on my computer waiting to eat. Too sweet.  Now my roommate just had the birthday you would think she would be cup caked out! But she isn't because she is too in love.  Thanks to her that was my first reason to smile yesterday.

Ex 2.  While renting a big pot to boil eggs and color them, since Easter is fastly approaching I checked my mail box because every so often we will receive mail! But I checked also, because my dear friend Ashley told me to keep an look out, and sure enough there was a card in there.  Filled with such sweet words from one friend to another.  So has been my longest friend and I'm so blessed to have her in my life.

Ex. 3. Had a nice talk with the one boy I dated in high school who I was CRAZY about, yes crazy.  We didn't date long nor were we that serious but it was that relationship of what coulda, woulda, shoulda, happened if we put 100% into the relationship. It was rough at first but two years later we are working on building a great friendship.  I read once that "its easier to turn friendship into love than love into friendship" which I totally agree with.  I have always wanted to ask him if he could ever see us together again but I'm glad I never asked.  A year ago where he was in his life the answer probably would of been NO but maybe now it could be YES. We will just see, God has a better plan for me than I have for myself.

Ex. 4. I had set my facebook status last night to "for breakfast I want a Cinnamon roll"  for two reasons. One i haven't had one in a very long time and two I saw a picture of one and it looked Delicious! So last night be and Danielle briefly talked about getting some from good 'ol McDonald's after class this today, but no set plans were made.  However, I came back from my bathroom routine to find those cinnabun things from McDonald's on my desk, (smile on my face before 9am today)  I was so excited!! Danielle is one that can wake up at the crack of dawn and be up for the day, I don't know how she does it but she does HAHA so she went and got us breakfast! So nice.

So there ya have it friends! Even when life seems like there is not light, there is.  We are never alone in this journey called Life.  No matter how lost we may feel, when we turn to our left or right a friend will always be there by your side, following you every step you take.

(so true, life is an adventure)


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