Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Friday Friday

TGIF!! Today I get to go home and attend my annual family fish fry on my dads side! Since Christmas was cancelled, yes cancelled due to the snowy weather I have not seen many family members since summer!  So I am so excited about that.  It will also be hard because my mother will not be coming with us this year.  Its been almost two months since my parents shared with me and my brother the awful news that their love just is not strong enough any more to keep my family together.  I have kept myself strong, there is nothing I can do and they both wanted us to not worry so much because it is their issue not ours.  Its has only made me become closer with my dad and brother because my mom was already one of my best friends.  Its going to be a long process but with our faith and strength we will all be OK in the end.

Second, Id like to share about me and that "boy" I thought would be someone special in my life that I have posted about in a few posts.  He was 24 and just didn't have "time" in his life because of work.  Well, this may be a bit rude but when will life ever settle down or be easy? Never. If you truly want to be with someone and want to make things work, one will find time and make time to be with that person. Whoa.  Just a bit upset with the men out there lately, I don't see how they think its OK to treat us women poor and be lazy. It just ain't right.

Also, spending some much needed girl time with some dear friends who I have missed so much! Cant wait to catch up and just be girls and enjoy each others company because right now family and girlfriends are all I need in my life right now.  I'm so blessed for the wonderful friendships I have and a family who will never stop loving me and helped me become the person I am today.

Much love toady!

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