Monday, April 25, 2011

easter weekend

(eggs made by me and thy roommate, plus Kate!)
Cheers to Easter weekend! Well, so far it has had its fun! Spent last night at a Samantha's in the hot tub where we spent many girls night during senior year, and it felt like yesterday we were in high school still. Not talking about our careers we want to go into and how much we are learning and living in houses next year. My goodness how time has past. Good talks were shared, laughs and tears.  We tried to solve all of life's problems and talk about our weddings and when we will fall in love.  Yes, we are 20 but still talk like we are 15. 
Also, saw Water for Elephants on Sunday after a day with Dad and a wonderful church service.  Me, mom and Jack decided to go. She had read the book, I have never even heard about it till the movie came out I believe.. oops. The movie was different which made it that much more enjoyable to watch! Robert Patterson was a TOTAL babe, yes, he is also one when he is Edward. But this movie won my heart with him over twilight.  Reese Witherspoon also did an awesome job! Her fashion was so cool to look at also.  This movie over all made me wanna go to a Circus really bad, and also have more of a love for elephants. Just over all awesome!

( AH, doesn't that face just make you melt!)

Happy Monday!

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