Friday, April 1, 2011

cheers to the weekend

Why do I  spend so much time worrying about my future and whats going to happen and who will be in it? I believe the answer is because I am human.  I have been learning a lot about my self this past year and Im really proud.  I know what I want and I know what I wont settle for. This life is too short and we are never promised tomorrow.  I the quote is true that says live everyday as if it were your last because really it could be!! God wants us to find all the beauty that's around us that day and not fret about tomorrow because it has not even happened yet.  I have really learned to appreciate each day I have given. I let the ones I know they are loved in some sort of small simple way and to me that's enough. As long as they know.  I know God has a better plan for me than I have for myself and I'm so blessed for that.  He knows all my hopes and dreams and as I grow up they may change and only he will know the reason why.  I must enjoy this life and celebrate being alive! Whoof.. just had some thoughts about that.

Second, I came home this weekend for some relaxation and just to get away from school. Be alone in my own room where no one can bother me.  Its a wonderful feeling.  Tonight calls for some Chinese food with my mother and a good flick. That's what girls do best right?  I cherish my times I have with my mom and take in all her advice she has to give me and words of wisdom.  She really is a strong smart women who I admire so much.  My grandma has recently been gone 6 years now.  The first person I lost who I was so close with.  I couldn't imagine not having my mom in my life. I miss my grandma so much.  She was sick pretty much the whole time I knew her, so I now know she is no longer hurting and is my angel in heaven. Hi gram, I miss ya.  I have so many happy memories and funny stories of my times with her I will never forget.

ill take those :) yummmm.

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