Monday, May 2, 2011

eventful weekend

No rain could ruin a day full of excitement, and it DIDNT! So Prom was a success once the clouds parted and the sun shined down on us :)  I in fact was the photographer.  I have always enjoyed taking pictures, but I am no expect that is for sure.. but much better then my mother I would say.  My brother and his date were the best looking couple there I would say and with me snapping shots left and right, they still have a great time! HA.  Without further a due, here are snaps from the weekend:

the lovely couple, LOVED her dress also!

the guys, good lookin group!

me and my brother, growing up SO fast.

some of his main group of guys!

super cute, they will thank me for these someday.

one of his best girlfriends and our neighbor since 1st grade!

we always take one like this when we can :)
the grand march.

some dresses!

and more!!

Hopefully this week get warmer! Its May for petes sake HAHA. Enjoy today!

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