Thursday, May 5, 2011


As my sophomore year is fastly coming to an end me and my girls decided we needed to check out where we were living next year one last time!  Our lease starts in June and we all couldn't be more excited!  Though I wont be living here this summer I will come back a lot to visit and start getting my room together!  Being crapped up in a dorm I feel less free that I really am.  Its weird to say but I will be a Junior now... another words almost done with my college career, NOT. Because I plan on attending grad school.  My mother always tells me "plan for your life and not your career" so maybe what I want to be I wont be making the best money out there, but that doesn't matter to me. I have a passion to helping people and listening to them. So future school counselor here I come! Now let me introduce you to our little home:

Here is the front, super cute eh?!

Our living room, which we will make all purty!

some of the kitchen.

more kitchen

our bathroom upstairs, and our landlord is putting a new one downstairs also!

and MY room :) not sure if I will keep the pink yet, so we will see!

another angle

and what ever this is, I thought was super cute!

and here are the 705 girls :) CANT WAIT!

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