Thursday, May 19, 2011

great day

Cheers to the start of summer! Last night us girls decided to try something new.. BINGO. At a fun restaurant new our home town.  It cost a dollar a game, so I think we can afford that.  Well, see the thing is I never win anything, so I stopped trying and just have fun.  So the night started off and we all through our dollar in.  I was kinda excited because it has been awhile since I played bingo, and if you win you get cash! AWESOME. In order to win the first game we played you  must get four corners, and each card things has three on them so you had a slight chance of getting something haha. And well, I WON! So, of course I shouted BINGO, and I really did shout. Put my hand in the air and waved my card! I was so excited! Someone else won also so we had to split the cash, but ill take 33 bucks! And we are definitely going back next week!

Earlier that day, Scotti and I (because she is HOME now) got to play with the one and only Ava Mays...

 Oh the summer days have just begun!

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