Saturday, May 14, 2011

i saw god today

0n this rainy day its hard to find things to smile about, because the sun always seems to be hiding lately. But I was proven wrong today. Ya know that song "I saw God today" well, I did.  I was meeting my dear friend Lauren for breakfast at a small Cafe.  Since it was now the start of our summer we thought we should start if off with a hardly breakfast!  An hour pasted an our bill was brought to us. Now let me say this cafe is always filled with elders, which I love because I love seeing grandma and grandpas. An old man walked by us and he picked up our ticket and said "I'm going to buy you girls breakfast" both of our mouths dropped, and we were a little taken back. It was nothing more than a random act of kindness. Bless his heart.  He went up to the counter and had a bible in his hand.  I believe he was with a bible study earlier cause he was with a big group of people. It just made our day. So, I did see god today.  In the recent months he has taught me a lot of the possible things that I thought were impossible.  I am so grateful for all those moments lately, they have opened my eyes and heart so much more.  I must now pay it forward soon, and make someone else's day.


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