Friday, April 29, 2011

prom weekend!!

Sadly, I no longer can attend prom and I figured I could not try and replace the actual pictures that hold all the memories.  So, this is ME in the red :) and me senior is the year where everything was perfect! The hair I loved, and the dress fit awesome and I was currently crazy about my date.  The weather was also nice, a bit chilly but the sun was shining so that's all that really mattered!  Now, this weekend is my brothers weekend to glow.  Its only his junior prom but I am just SO excited to see him and all the girls in their dresses!

This is Samantha and I, and shout out to her and her 20th birthday tomorrow!! WHOOO.

With my two favorite people in the world, mom and dad.

Our Group all the ladies :)
the flowers, always a pretty thing to look at!

me and my HOT date.

Last by not least, meet my roommate! Miss L, looking flawless in this gorgeous dress she HAD to have was not going to settle for anything less :)

A little over the top with the post, but Prom was just so much fun, the planning, the shopping and the dancing! Now, we will have weddings to look forward too :) So I will post pics of my brothers Prom after this weekend!
The sun is shining today, so a million reasons to smile today!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

sunshine on a rainy day!

Today, on this rainy day I spent the day with my little loved one Ava :) she is 1 1/2 and bring sunshine to my day when ever I am with her.  So, today on my day we hung out, laughed, and played!

We shared a dance today together also. Ava I wish you  nothing but happiness as you grow.  And may you always remember to dance when the sky is gray and know I will never stop loving you!


Monday, April 25, 2011

easter weekend

(eggs made by me and thy roommate, plus Kate!)
Cheers to Easter weekend! Well, so far it has had its fun! Spent last night at a Samantha's in the hot tub where we spent many girls night during senior year, and it felt like yesterday we were in high school still. Not talking about our careers we want to go into and how much we are learning and living in houses next year. My goodness how time has past. Good talks were shared, laughs and tears.  We tried to solve all of life's problems and talk about our weddings and when we will fall in love.  Yes, we are 20 but still talk like we are 15. 
Also, saw Water for Elephants on Sunday after a day with Dad and a wonderful church service.  Me, mom and Jack decided to go. She had read the book, I have never even heard about it till the movie came out I believe.. oops. The movie was different which made it that much more enjoyable to watch! Robert Patterson was a TOTAL babe, yes, he is also one when he is Edward. But this movie won my heart with him over twilight.  Reese Witherspoon also did an awesome job! Her fashion was so cool to look at also.  This movie over all made me wanna go to a Circus really bad, and also have more of a love for elephants. Just over all awesome!

( AH, doesn't that face just make you melt!)

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

reasons to smile

Though this is SUPER funny, I did not receive carrots or flowers from a boy. Sad face. But that's alright, because right now I think I have got some even better things in the last 24 for hours from my girlfriends.
With the crappy weather, and non stop emotions where I sometimes feel a lone, I'm not.  But I think its OK to feel like that sometimes in order for someone to sit back and reflect all the great things they do have in life.  And one of the greatest gifts I know will never run out of style is the gift of friendship!

Ex. 1.  Upon my roommates arrival back to our little dorm I was missing.  Ooops. I was busy burning calories while she was busy trying to find me! We tend to have off schedules a lot. Any who when I return to our little dorm of love I find a sprinkled cup cake sitting on my computer waiting to eat. Too sweet.  Now my roommate just had the birthday you would think she would be cup caked out! But she isn't because she is too in love.  Thanks to her that was my first reason to smile yesterday.

Ex 2.  While renting a big pot to boil eggs and color them, since Easter is fastly approaching I checked my mail box because every so often we will receive mail! But I checked also, because my dear friend Ashley told me to keep an look out, and sure enough there was a card in there.  Filled with such sweet words from one friend to another.  So has been my longest friend and I'm so blessed to have her in my life.

Ex. 3. Had a nice talk with the one boy I dated in high school who I was CRAZY about, yes crazy.  We didn't date long nor were we that serious but it was that relationship of what coulda, woulda, shoulda, happened if we put 100% into the relationship. It was rough at first but two years later we are working on building a great friendship.  I read once that "its easier to turn friendship into love than love into friendship" which I totally agree with.  I have always wanted to ask him if he could ever see us together again but I'm glad I never asked.  A year ago where he was in his life the answer probably would of been NO but maybe now it could be YES. We will just see, God has a better plan for me than I have for myself.

Ex. 4. I had set my facebook status last night to "for breakfast I want a Cinnamon roll"  for two reasons. One i haven't had one in a very long time and two I saw a picture of one and it looked Delicious! So last night be and Danielle briefly talked about getting some from good 'ol McDonald's after class this today, but no set plans were made.  However, I came back from my bathroom routine to find those cinnabun things from McDonald's on my desk, (smile on my face before 9am today)  I was so excited!! Danielle is one that can wake up at the crack of dawn and be up for the day, I don't know how she does it but she does HAHA so she went and got us breakfast! So nice.

So there ya have it friends! Even when life seems like there is not light, there is.  We are never alone in this journey called Life.  No matter how lost we may feel, when we turn to our left or right a friend will always be there by your side, following you every step you take.

(so true, life is an adventure)


Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Friday Friday

TGIF!! Today I get to go home and attend my annual family fish fry on my dads side! Since Christmas was cancelled, yes cancelled due to the snowy weather I have not seen many family members since summer!  So I am so excited about that.  It will also be hard because my mother will not be coming with us this year.  Its been almost two months since my parents shared with me and my brother the awful news that their love just is not strong enough any more to keep my family together.  I have kept myself strong, there is nothing I can do and they both wanted us to not worry so much because it is their issue not ours.  Its has only made me become closer with my dad and brother because my mom was already one of my best friends.  Its going to be a long process but with our faith and strength we will all be OK in the end.

Second, Id like to share about me and that "boy" I thought would be someone special in my life that I have posted about in a few posts.  He was 24 and just didn't have "time" in his life because of work.  Well, this may be a bit rude but when will life ever settle down or be easy? Never. If you truly want to be with someone and want to make things work, one will find time and make time to be with that person. Whoa.  Just a bit upset with the men out there lately, I don't see how they think its OK to treat us women poor and be lazy. It just ain't right.

Also, spending some much needed girl time with some dear friends who I have missed so much! Cant wait to catch up and just be girls and enjoy each others company because right now family and girlfriends are all I need in my life right now.  I'm so blessed for the wonderful friendships I have and a family who will never stop loving me and helped me become the person I am today.

Much love toady!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Dear Friend

Happy Birthday To my dear roommate/best friend! Today you are 20!!!

I'm so excited for you to embark on the life of your twenties! You deserve nothing but the world.  Your ambition and your passion will take you far in life and I'm so excited to see where you will go.  You have one of my best friends since we were 16 years told. How time flys.  You have been a friend in so many ways for me, from midnight phone calls filled with tears to last minute stops along the way of life and bringing me dinner at work when I had no food HAHA

You truly glow where ever you go, and who ever spots you will see a smile on your face and a coffee in your hand.  Two years as roommates and I could have not had a better college experience.  You are more of a sister with the advice, wisdom, and guidance you give me.  You deserve the world and like you dad has told you, "someone should kiss the ground you walk on" so true.  We will find that someday, we just have to be patient till then. 

My wish for you is to find a reason to smile everyday, that you find the good in everyone and every situation. That the sun is always shining for you, and the littlest things bring you joy.  That you follow all of your dreams and you never give up when obstacles get in the way.  That you stay true to yourself forever and true to what you believe in!

L, I love you so much and am so blessed to have you in my life. Love you forever, Jo Jo Bunny.

Friday, April 8, 2011

some simple thoughts

1. I agree with this picture ^^^^^ yes, that one.  Sometimes Im always afraid to ask questions, not sure why. Maybe its the fear of being judged or recieving the answer I do not want to hear.  I was taught in school that there is no such thing as a wrong answer... and never be afraid to ask too many questions. Which I always do depending on the situation I guess.  But I have come up with so many questions in my life, I just dont know who to ask to get all those answers. Someday I hope.

2. I am loving this weather lately here in the great state of Minnestoa.  60's and sunny, thats perfect to me!  Soon ill be able to wear all the summer dresses rompers and flip flops!! That is a wonderfull feeling.

3. Only 5 weeks of school left! I am so excited! Im ready to be with my girls back home.  Sometimes along tough roads in life you find out who your true friends are.  I want summer, and the hot sun, and doing fun and crazy things.  Also I miss my nanny kids dearly and cant wait to spend my summer days with them and listen to all their funniness!

4. The the post below, the road trip was a big success!! Love the city of Madison, WI and cant wait to go back someday! We had perfect weather and great site seeing along with shopping! Purchased a new summer purse.. 30 bucks.. cant go wrong when you are on a tight budget!  I am very picky when it comes to purses, I like them big and cute. I mean BIG, almost like a bag. A Mary Poppins one is a perfect example HAHA.

5. Its the weekend, and I have my class but its alright because I love my teacher! I know I will learn so much about the career I want to go into with her class. Also much relaxing with also occur.

Cheers to the weekend!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

road trip

And thats what we are doing!! Well, me and two of my favorite friends in the world.  It will only be about 3 hours from school... that is if we dont get lost!  Which im a bit worried we might... but thats a price you have to pay when you have the slightest idea but one road on where you are going.  L has a big gig she needs to attend and to and me and K are going with to support her and also to have some fun of course in a town we have never been in!  It will be good to get away and be with the one im closest with here at school. 

I think I have been in a bit of a slump and only a few things can be joyful in my life and Id just rather be alone than with a lot of people.  Just not my cup of tea at the moment and I think its ok.  Being along often brings the mind to think a lot and solve problems and also just rest. Its needed often in my life, my alone time ahhhh ha.
This would be a great place to escape... obber cute room!! I must will have room like this in my future homes where I can go and relax and fill it with all my favortie things!  To either nap, think, read, blog, or to just be alone.  I think every women needs a place where she can escape.  There area alwsays a million things on our mind and once in awhile we need to just leave, go some place.  The mall would be nice.. but who has that money probably 5 days a week HAHA.  Next year I will have my own house... well renting it but Ill have my own room and that will be better than anything!! The best part is I get to decorate it fit me and who I am!

road trips deets next time,

Friday, April 1, 2011

cheers to the weekend

Why do I  spend so much time worrying about my future and whats going to happen and who will be in it? I believe the answer is because I am human.  I have been learning a lot about my self this past year and Im really proud.  I know what I want and I know what I wont settle for. This life is too short and we are never promised tomorrow.  I the quote is true that says live everyday as if it were your last because really it could be!! God wants us to find all the beauty that's around us that day and not fret about tomorrow because it has not even happened yet.  I have really learned to appreciate each day I have given. I let the ones I know they are loved in some sort of small simple way and to me that's enough. As long as they know.  I know God has a better plan for me than I have for myself and I'm so blessed for that.  He knows all my hopes and dreams and as I grow up they may change and only he will know the reason why.  I must enjoy this life and celebrate being alive! Whoof.. just had some thoughts about that.

Second, I came home this weekend for some relaxation and just to get away from school. Be alone in my own room where no one can bother me.  Its a wonderful feeling.  Tonight calls for some Chinese food with my mother and a good flick. That's what girls do best right?  I cherish my times I have with my mom and take in all her advice she has to give me and words of wisdom.  She really is a strong smart women who I admire so much.  My grandma has recently been gone 6 years now.  The first person I lost who I was so close with.  I couldn't imagine not having my mom in my life. I miss my grandma so much.  She was sick pretty much the whole time I knew her, so I now know she is no longer hurting and is my angel in heaven. Hi gram, I miss ya.  I have so many happy memories and funny stories of my times with her I will never forget.

ill take those :) yummmm.