Monday, March 14, 2011

spring break

(my favorite flowers)
Cheers to SPRING BREAK, unfortunately I will not be laying on a beach or walking any city streets of somewhere wonderful, I will simply be relaxing at home and hanging out with my family. Which is perfectly fine with me.  My roommate is in New York (very jealous) with her boy and seeing all the loveliness of the city. May she find some awesome things to bring home! On the other side of the US my other dear friend informed me today she is wearing my scarf that I lend her walking down the street of RODEO DR in Hollywood. Now if only I could be in either places with them that would be awesome.  We could be like the sex and the city girls, since our secret obsession is shopping (even though we have no money) and girl can always dreams and put outfits together in her head that she will someday want to own and wear HeHe.
 (the famous girl of sex and the city)

(quiet the eye candy, I must say)

Tonight is also the finale of the BACHELOR. For some reason this show is addicting to me and my girls at school, IDK why but it is.  Personally I feel like the guy is sorta fake but we cant see it all on TV.  Its just exciting to watch all the drama and root for your favorite girl in hopes she makes it to the end! And in this case my girl Emily does! Now I have read some spoilers... which was wrong. BUT I have a good feeling about tonight.  If he pics Chantel, I will be a bit upset and I don't think it will last.  She in my eyes is just not very good for him. And to let a girl like Emily go, you have to be crazy. So crossing my fingers she wins. Sadly I will be all alone and my mother wont watch it with me because in her view its very stupid, which I agree and would never wanna be on a show like this to fight for someone to love and chose you. No thank ya!
(may my girl Emily-the blonde. WIN)


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