Monday, March 7, 2011

Its no Starbucks, but right now I'm currently sitting in a local cafe sipping on some chia tea and doing some homework. Actually I have to be here for my homework to conduct my field experiment for my anthropology class, which I am enjoying thus far.  The people hear seem very friendly, and its enjoyment to me to sit and watch people while keeping to myself.  My hair I wear mostly straight but its has an intense natural wave to it which I mostly wear it like that during the week.  The nice man in his mid 50's told me he liked my hair... I don't think that has ever happened to me before. It was a very kind compliment and put a smile on my face during this gloomy Monday. Its mid terms this week so I have some sort of a big load to get done before I can enjoy my week off at home with my family. It may be a hard spring break, but it will be nice just to be with everyone at home.
I had a really good talk with my mom yesterday about it all, and I understand more where she is coming from.  It was a call filled with tears and understanding.  This will not be an easy for any of us but we must all have hope.  Its very sad knowing my mother is not happy with her marriage.  No women should ever feel that way if they married the person they love.  My dad is so wonderful, but they have a lot of work to do.  I feel like my presence at home will help them see a bit brighter on why we need to all stay together.  I have been doing lots of praying and my dad has asked me to find some books on relationships for him... he is no reader by all means but whats to do what ever he can to get things back the way they should be, and be that lover my mom needs.  Mom also told me today she wants me and my brother to go to counseling. Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I have one brother. And that's it. He is younger than I am by 3 years and I treasure him so much since he is the only sibling I have.  She has been doing lots of research and says its good so we can talk to someone other than our parents about all our emotions we have and what is going on in our life. A dear friend told me this last night as we were late night chatting on FB. (facebook)

"and i can honestly say your one of the most positive and happiest people I know and you have to think that God made you that way so you can get through something like this" LG

It was very helpful to hear kind words like that. I'm so thankful for all my wonderful friends in my life I like to call my sisters. They are such a blessing and I don't know what I would do without them. Wishing my Irish luck comes in handy to get me through the rest of this week and I find many reasons to smile.

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