Saturday, March 26, 2011

been too long

It has been over a week since I have posted. And I believe because their are so many emotions and so many things that are going on in my life I cant think all the clearly. My spring break was nice and relaxing. Up and downs but that's normal for a girl in her twenties going through a lot.  I had a nice trip with my mother up to see my grandpa and it was just nice to get away and get a lot of talking in about life and relationships.  Her and my dad its not there any more and the only thing I can do it love them both no matter what happens.  Me and my brother are becoming closer with all this that has happened in the last month.  Just turning to one another because we both are feeling the same pain.  He actually is making his first visit to see me today and I'm so excited for that. I admire the young man he is becoming and how lucky I am to have such a wonderful person in my life.  A dear friend A came to visit me and the roommate on Thursday and that was so lovely. She is from our home town too, and we had a good time.  I feel so lucky to have wonderful people in my life who want to be apart of your life and listen to all your stories and feel the pain you feel.  Its those rare souls you never wanna live without.

For a more school related topic that involves my future career, I started my first of 3 weekend classes yesterday. And I LOVE it.  It also helps that my teacher is so awesome and is so eager to help us learn and know more and she just loves to teach.  I hope I can find other classes to take with her.  She makes it more interesting and exciting.  The class is Applied Psychology, which we are basically learning more about the career we want to go into that involves psych.  My choice as of now is School counseling.  i enjoy kids so much and my dream job right now is to be a dean at a High school guiding kids in the right direction and just being there to listen to them.  Being that person they can come to with anything and Ill be there to listen and help.  But there are also SO many other things that I could be interested in but for right now I'm going to stick with this.  I will have to attend grad school also, so just going to be rolling around in more school loans but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end

Lets see, what else? Oh, I'm so ready for summer. I want the sun and the fun. I also will be able to move into my house starting in June which is going to be awesome. But I will be living at home this summer but making many trips back to school with friends to see more friends and enjoy fun crazy nights with all of the wonderful people who tend to make my day quiet often.  I will also be nannying my two favorite kids again for the 3 summer in a row. I will be looking forward to all of the adventures we will be mixing up this summer.

As for the boy. We must keep that updated too.  I just really wanna know what goes through their head and why they think saying and do somethings is OK, when clearly it just drives us girls CRAZY.  I may never understand.  I heard a good quote one time though, It is the people who you cant figure out, that are absolutely worth your while.  Which as hard as it is sometimes, but its the challenge and fun that come with that.  If they treat you right, and make you feel like the happiest girl in the world don't give up. I have that "someone" in my life still.  Though we did discuss what we are, we cannot say that we are "together" yet.  Which is a bit frustrating but understandable.  Having distance is never easy, so working with that can cause some stress and doubts but slow and steady wins the race so we will see where this goes.  I'm young so why not have fun and not get too serious so fast.

Cheers to the weekend!


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