Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Due to the days of zero rays of sunshine lately, I have come to find some of my own ray of sunshine :) this is no ordinary ray either. One could say very interesting and unique and also are the words to describe the way we met.  I'm not sure what to think about all of it because I have yet to meet him in person but the pictures on the "book" and the texting just brings light to my day as corny as that sounds. But its OK because I like corny.  He is a bit older or as he put it s "we have a bit of a generational gap between us" but age is just a number and people meet in the weird ways, right?!  I say the the unique stories of how people meet are the ones people will always remember.  So cheers to this new ray of sunshine and we will see how long the light will shine.

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