Tuesday, January 11, 2011

fix it girl

Well today was a big eye opening day to say the least.  I had spent the night at my cousins house just so we could hang out and catch up.  She is only a year younger then me so we happen to be pretty close and I love the idea of being with family. We had a great day and evening.  So we sleep in (which always feels awesome) then get up get some grub to start the day fresh. I go out to wipe all the pretty snow off my car and to start it so it warms up.  The joys of living in the Midwest.  Where to start; well first I go to start the car and all I hear is "click click click" or something similar to that sound.  Thank goodness for dads who have a passion for working on cars.  With in a matter of seconds I was on the phone with him. Yup, you guessed it my car battery was dead. I forgot to mention that me and my cousin were the only ones home with not one male figure in site. Very sad.  Next plan was to bundle up and get this show on the road with all the help from a phone we could get.

It was time to put my big girl pants on. We got a hold of that battery charger and now needed to pop the hood so we could hook her up.  Well we could not find the button to pop the hood.  That got to be very frustrating and felt like 20 mins to find it. I had to do the panic call and call my brother while he was in class (he just laughed). Got it popped finally and put the red on the positive and the other clamp on the other. While attempting to do so found out my hood does not have something that holds it up. So felt like my arms were getting a work out also.  Too bad no one could of filmed this incident. After a hundred phone calls and few laughs and freezing outside, we let the little ghetto cruiser charge.  Waited about an hour and it was ready to go.  Don't worry I happened to capture a moment. See below.

(This I call the ghetto cruiser because It simply has no hubcaps on any of the four tires. But a college girl should not complain when all she has to do it put gas in it a few times.  It gets the job done)

One last downer I want to add to this horrible afternoon that involves my car.  I arrive at the gas station because this girl needs some gas to get home, since it takes a good 50 mins.  I pop open the cover of the gas to unscrew it and well, I cant get the thing off. (I think I may need to start building up the arm muscle more and be a more serious about it ) I think I sat there for a good 5 mins trying to get it off and of course looking like an idiot.   Luckily my dad phoned me again and I got to complain about another issue, poor him.  So I waited for the young man that was parked ahead of me to come out of the gas station to ask for help ( he was decently cute).  He came right on over and got it off for me.  I could tell it took a bit of muscle for him also.  I thanked him with a smile and went about my business, while laughing at myself.

In the end, got home safe and sound and am proud I know how to charge a battery if a car goes dead... or mine again for that matter since I didn't shut the head lights off... oopps.  If it were a flat tire or anything else... we would of had to call in for some back up.  May you all learn someday how to fix the issues that come with owning a car.  I'm going to get out in that garage my dad calls his castle and learn how.

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