Tuesday, January 4, 2011

my icons

Today I picked up Lauren Conrad's last book to her L.A. Candy series, Sugar and Spice.  The books are addicting and hard to put down. Rumor has it they are turning the books into a movie and ill be there opening night.  She is my first icon and I have loved her since Laguna and followed her onto the hills.  I love her style and her motivation to be the best she can without getting lost in all the fame. Me and my BFF(roommate) joke that I'm LC and she is Whitney... when really she could be ha! Also any magazine that LC is on is a must have...I love reading about her and all her advice she has to share about love and friendships.

Beautiful Lauren
Beautiful Whitney
And their friendship that is unbreakable

My second favorite would have to be Leighton Meester. And you all know her from Gossip Girl as the rich "B" or Blair.  But she is so awesome.  I also snagged the new Seventeen magazine because she is on the cover and always has insightful advice to share with readers.  She will be staring in a few upcoming movies like Country Strong, which I'm going see, even if I have to see it alone.  In her article of seventeen she talks a lot about how she has dealt with relationships and love... let me share with you.

this is the cover
(I just loved this picture of her)
Two of her main quotes share are... (which really apply to my life at this moment as well)

"I don't want to pursue someone at all- I want someone to pursue me"

"I don't give away my heart too easily. So when you get hurt, its tough"

We all have our favorite icons that we look up to for their fashion, their careers, and how they chose to live their life; all over the tabloids or create something for them self.  Both of these women always have something so inspiring to share. I admire that they are not perfect and dont choose to be.  They feel joy and hurt just the way you and I do. So just thought I would share who my icons are and few things I enjoy about them.

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