Wednesday, January 19, 2011

hello world

Today my mind has been thinking a lot about all the places in the world I want to see, and how little I know about all the wonderful places out there.  What sparked the thought today is Oprah. I do admit I like to watch her show, and during her farewell season she is filming in the great Australia! One place I would love to visit someday.  I need to start writing down all the places I would like to step foot in so when the time comes I can start to cross them off.  New York is a place where I have been but would love to go back.  I guess I still have so many places to see in the USA I should start there instead of buying a passport to fly over seas HA.  But being in college makes me want that much more to focus on school so I will be able to achieve my goals and dreams that I want for myself and life.  Studying abroad is what they all say I should right? Well, yes but its all about the money which is sad to say and also I feel I have no one pushing me to the awesome adventure.  My dad would not be a fan of it what so ever and my mother, she doesn't seem thrilled about the opportunity I could have.
I love photography and would love to capture all those beautiful moments where I feel free as a bird.  Places like those make one smile when know one is around.  And I heard when you do that, you really mean it and are truly happy at that moment.  Along the way you meet some wonderful people, some you may never see again but they forever will have a memory within you.  All the movies that are out with young girls traveling to either find themselves, family, love or to run away for a bit. For me at this point in my life it would be to find myself, realize what I want in life and also to maybe find some love along the way.  And it doesn't have to be the love of a man... maybe a town, or an animal , or a family. Just some sort of love.  The person I want to marry though must want to embark on my wild dreams and want to go with me.  To have a passion of viewing things from another country, another place in this world.
(this will happen some day :) )
So I guess I should start with a list.  This list will remain here so I can always add to it or if I forget a place where my eyes need to see, it will be here. here we go:
  • New York
  • Every State in the US, so I could cross off a few more but they are boring, HA.
  • England
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Africa
  • Hatti
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • India
Well we can leave the list like that for now. Just a dream I have in my head so we will see if I can conqure this some day!

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