Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Blogger

Hello to the friends that I am writing to, but simply don't have yet.  I am becoming more and more inspired with all the thoughts, dreams and everyday hectic life schedules you all have been sharing.  Since becoming a new blogger, I'm still on the shy side and will share all my feelings and emotions and show you who I am, without showing you me. If that makes sense?  I started this blog, well I wanted to start one when I felt it was hard to be happy with the things that were going on in my life.  It was constant stress and tears.  I am no where close to being perfect, because I am human.  I have so many emotions and feelings about things I tend to keep bottled up unless I feel they need to be shared.  I am constantly thinking about my future and what lies ahead when I should be focusing on the present.  I have a wonderful family and couldn't ask for better girl friends.  If you continue to read down, you will see I have no love in my life.  Yes I am young and have time, but it has been quiet sometime since I have felt it.  During the Holidays its a bit rough seeing all my friends get treated like a princess, and I am so happy for them.  I then think to myself how much I am looking forward to that happiness I will feel someday.  I'm what my friends call me a "quote whore" and I tend to talk in quotes sometimes... which I guess is true since I can usually pull one out on what ever the occasion.  I love to share pictures on here... not of me yet or the things I do in my life.  But I still hope you will enjoy what I write, and maybe you will feel what I am feeling also.  I find in this blog world that I am not alone.  Someone else is going through struggles just like I am. May we never judge one another.  I guess ill leave on that note. May you all have a very Merry Christmas.

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