Monday, December 13, 2010

finals week

Well its finals week, which means ill probably smell due to the fact a shower will be hard to fit in the daily schedule.  Ill look like a walk zombie cause the sleeping hours will be messed up and it may just be a chance to shed some pounds because it will be hard thinking about food with everything that needs to get done!  I'm sitting in a local coffee shop that is super cute working on my note card for tomorrow.  Sipping on a late and listening to Christmas music.  After this week is over ill be on my way home for much need wrapping and resting.  Ill be able to get much needed family and friend time with the ones I love most back home.  One of my bestest and dearest friends will be returning from Tennessee and that is one gift that will truly be priceless this Christmas season.

I'm so excited for Christmas... I could go on and on. But I think its because I love to give and I think I did some major scoring on gifts this year and I cant wait to give them!  This past weekend we had a huge blizzard, snow was everywhere and you could hardly see across the street.  But along with that it brought negative temperatures, so my face almost always feels like I got botox because I cannot move it.  So its safe to say its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

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