Thursday, December 2, 2010

retail therapy

The other day me and my roommate decided we needed, well I need to have some therapy.  So we decided to go shopping, something that we are  masters at.  It was mostly for all our loved ones that mean the most to us this holiday season, but it never hurts to buy something little for yourself. We had a blast and thought that our day was wonderful.  It sure helps to have a great friend in life.  Today I'm finding out its hard to trust people with all your thoughts and feelings.  And you only want to make an effort to stay in someones life if they prove they want you in theirs.  As you grow up its the real friends that matter and you want them to share all your happiness with you, and there is nothing more that they would rather do.
its always better with a best friend

one shoe can change your life

cheers to the cute little finds

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