Saturday, December 4, 2010


Being single always has its ups and downs. Not having a significant other for almost two years now I have really found more of myself I never knew and things I really do wish for in a guy.  Most of my happiest moments are not with a guy, so many of them are with my girlfriends.  They have been my crying shoulder and the ones I lean on when things get tough.  They also sit and listen to all my dreams, hopes and goals. I find myself often thinking about that one person someday who will complete me and love me inside and out for who I am.  But for now, I will not settle nor strive for attention from guys.  I am in love with life itself, and the people who are in it. I have yet to feel the unconditional love from another human being.
I want you to hold my hand and never let go
The magic of Christmas; the turquoise box
Never give up on the things you love, and the things that make you smile when no one else is looking.  The little things that make you laugh, and the boy that gives you butterflies.  For one day you will wake up to the person who fought for your love and never gave up on you, he believed in you and the beauty of your dreams.  And all the silly things you cried over before and the ones who broke your heart more than once; they will be nothing more then blur. Do you believe in magic?

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