Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Carrie always has the best lines

I'm looking forward to this week to be over. The amount of stress, anxiety and emotions can go away. Its as almost as if its eating parts of me I cant control and I am not ok with that. God has been hearing everything. He laughs at our plans, so I hope this is his plan for me. The past is the past. It has shaped who I am today and in my eyes made me a stronger and better person. I over think things ALL the time and put thoughts into my head that no one is even thinking... I guess that's the girl in me, but it needs to stop. I am working on that right now, my boyfriend wishes upon that as well. Sometimes its so hard being a girl, or at least having people understand what being a girl means.
Some of me dear friends are breaking up, not knowing if a relationship is right for them, finding a new relationship and falling in love. Its amazing the support you have from so others when all you want to do is cry. Things happen in life, and we have to let them happen. Let them help shape us and not figure out why it did happen, but accept. Though we are very emotional, we are strong as shit as well. (sorry for swear word) but its true. We have the power to take control of a situation and change our mood and our attitude.
As I'm sitting here enjoying a diet fountain pop and listening to Taylor Swifts 22 song, my mood just makes me smile. Thinking of all my best friends I have in this world and Gods love. Everything will be ok and I will just enjoy this moment and what ever happens, happens.

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