Friday, January 4, 2013

a ME day

I am having a ME day.. I love doing things on my own but also with others too. But when I am on my own I really get to reflect how wonderful my life is and the people that are in it.
I'm in the town that my mother works in and I am revisiting a cafe that I think is adorable. Turns out they have the best Chai Tea I have ever tasted and a panini that is mouth watering. I brought a long the book I am reading, Safe Haven, Nicholas Sparks can always make me cry and I hope he can in this book as well! The movie comes out in February and looks great!
I took a few pictures of this place because its that cute. I sent them all to the boy along with " now you can pretend your with me" HA he isn't a coffee drinking but said he can always order a hot cocoa :)
I miss him and liking A LOT more.
I also miss my dear best friend who lives all the way in Tennessee. She is suppose to be home this time of year but isn't. So now this year it will be once a year I get to see her. We some how figured it out how to be the best of friends for the last four years 19 hours away. She is in LOVE now... GASP! So excited for her :)
We enjoy doing nothing together and the one person that supports sweats as much as I do. I am so thankful for our friendship and plan on visiting that sweet town of Nashville this summer... already looked into Grey Hound prices.
We are each others biggest dorks and we wouldnt want it any other way!

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