Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Photo: Drinking wine while doing homework because we can :)
Photo: getting distracted way to easily
Yesterday was an off day and so many wonderful things happened on a Monday of all days!
I did not have class so spent some time at caribou working on a paper till my boyfriend called me. He had a break and wanted to take me out to lunch in the short time that we had. A keeper in my eyes. While he was looking studly, I was rocking the sweats but he still digs me anyway :)
During lunch my brother called me! He never calls first. I had to answer and he was just on his way back from class and wanted to tell me about his day. He is growing up to be a great young man.
The photos above of are me and one of my roommates. She also has a win term class so we decided to go to a fun cafe here in town and work on homework. Its such a unique place to be. It was almost 3 in the afternoon and I wanted to get wine. So I did :)
Its the little moments and experiences that we will be able to look back on together and remember the time we spent together.
I'm just doubting myself and stressing about things I have no control over. My emotions I guess I can control, but sometimes a girl just needs to cry and feel sad. I just need to remember that my main guy upstairs is in control and is also rooting for me down here on this earth. With that, I found this quote in my devotional on the day my beau asked me to be his girl. A remember why I need to put all my trust in God.
Quit questioning Him and start trusting Him. Just know that God is in control. He has your best interest at heart. Trust him to direct your steps and to cause you to be right where you need to be at just the right time

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