Monday, January 21, 2013

Minnesota Cold!

Photo: Midwest girls!!
Classic mirror pic of course :)
New Couple :)
Tomorrow marks the last semester of my college career! Where has all the time gone? I have countless amount of memories made and last friendships that I will never forget. My mother was right, college is one of the best four year vacations you will ever have.  I am looking forward to all the bittersweet changes that are going to come along this semester!
Today, its -9 degrees. Talk about your face feeling like botox when you step outside! This weekend was just as cold but we went out anyway! Accessorized with some scarfs and thankfully found a ride to each place.
I'm very proud to announce that one of my best friends, the beautiful Blondie above has a BOYFRIEND!! In all the three years I have know her and the almost two years we have lived together, she got her self a good one :) He also happens to be my boyfriends brother. Funny how God works in our lives sometimes. I am so very excited for the both of them and cant wait to see what God has in store for us all!
Happy Monday :)

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