Friday, January 4, 2013

HELLO 2013

( sitting in Starbucks writing this post, the joy, the smell, the taste of a coffee shop)
I could not have learned more about myself in 2012. Instead of writing paragraphs Ill just bullet point it, knowing my ill just start to ramble and then none of it will make any sense.
  • Lived in my first house and had my first real bill
  • Became closer to God who helped me through so much
  • Fell in Love with someone and had my heart broken. But I learned so much from that experience and I am forever grateful for him.
  • Developed new friendships and also continued to water the best ones I already have.
  • Sold the house I grew up in, bittersweet.
  • Grew more confidence in myself and understanding where I am right now is where I am suppose to be.
  • Hard work really does pay off!
  • Figuring out grad school stuff, GAH apps are due in a month!
  • Met another great boy, one I could see myself with for awhile but we will see what God has in store :)
  • Learning to be a better daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend and student.
I am not one hundred percent sure what my new year goals will be, that post will come later! For now I'm going to enjoy the last few days at home before I head back to school. Big prayers for the Grad School process!

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