Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

This is what I walked out to this morning on my way to class! So beautiful!
Pond hockey was a few weeks ago! Its such a fun thing to do in the winter with the best of friends! i also got to hitch a ride with a good friends boy to go see my boy on the snowmobile! It made me appreciate winter even more!
 One of my best friends/roommates grandparents live in our college town and once in awhile ask us on a date :) hanging out with grandparents will never get old! Did I mention that they love to drink STILL. They also say they have adopted me as their second granddaughter here. I feel so honored and loved when with them.
I read the book Safe Haven! It has been awhile since I have read during the school year, but I found a perfect time to do so! I am so excited to see the movie :) The boyfriend even offered to take me as well. Josh and Juliann and two great actors that I enjoy watching!
And finally, the Love holiday is celebrated by many today! I love including everyone in Valentines day not just my significant other. Though he did good and was very thoughtful, I spread my love to all my girls and family.

Another note: All my grad school applications are in. The amount of stress less have felt SO good. I have joined a gym and have so many reasons to smile lately! Now the anticipation waits, but I am confident that I gave all my best to the schools and I hope they like what they read!


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