Monday, December 16, 2013

Keep Calm and Adjust your Tiara

Today is the first day in about ten days where I can sit. Sit with not having to wait in a line of any sort, wait to be picked up to go celebrate many things or wait to have my car warm up before I head off to my next stop.
Right now I am staring out to the blizzard of snow coming down and sitting in a coffee shop. It brings such pure joy to enjoy a cup of great coffee and listen to Christmas music. Today marks the first time I had to pay back my first student loan and it makes me want to gag. But its apart of my big girl pants I have been trying to fit into the last few months.
This past weekend some of most favorite people graduated from college. Though I already had my time, it has hit me more this time around. Knowing just about everyone is going off to start their next chapter and we no longer will be in the same town makes my heart ache a bit. Realizing more than ever its really time for a big change and to move on. No one can take those memories away from you and yet some of the best times of our life is still to come.
Change is something that has turned my life upside down before and still adjusting too. But for myself I need it most. I need to get a different job, move to a different city and say goodbye to five years in Menom for good. I know I can do it, but having the best plan before I do so is a must.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Log Jam Christmas party :)
 My cousin, friend, and Bride to be at family Christmas.
Jack and baby Luke. Cutest thing ever.

Monday, December 2, 2013

I am thankful

 High school friends that still come together 5 years later.
 My brother whom I love so much.
 The Hollidazzel Parade
Paul Waker who passed away in a car accident this past weekend. Such a tragedy of pure talent. Prayers go out to his family and friends. Such a beautiful soul gone too soon.
"If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling." - Paul Walker

Friday, November 15, 2013


At the perfect place, log jam to celebrate 23 years. Some of these girls in here have now celebrated 5 birthdays with me! I cant believe how time flies. My day was perfect for turning 23. I had lunch with my mom and all the little ones gave me so much love that day. I hope this next year is better than the last. I feel my whole self changing and craving something more from this world.
 We visited Wilmar and Taylor the weekend before my birthday. We never get a good picture together.. I'm glad this one turned out decent :)
 Kate, my first best friend in college and Karissa I've gotten close to over the years! Love you two.
My heart has been heavy for change lately. Needing to move on from this place I am currently at. I know God has something amazing for me out there and I don't think its here anymore. How do you close a big chapter of your life and start a new fresh one? I guess Ill find out. I'm so thankful for the memories that I will carry forever and the best friends I have made that I will never forget. We are all ending up in different places in this world, thankfully we take a piece of each other where ever we go.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

11 days

11 days and I will be another number in my twenties. Like each year your birthday is always different, and what makes it the most different is what happened in the year before you reached the next number. I cant express this emotion I feel for my birthday. As a college graduate and not knowing my next step or plan makes it seem like this birthday is not as special...  which I know is a horrible way to look at! Because its one day where you celebrate your life, who you are, and all the things you have to look forward too!
November is a month I love for not only my birthday, but a few other things as well! On my birthday I share a very special holiday with my grandpa, Veterans Day. That holiday is so special to me for him. A true hero for so many things in my eyes. This month also holds, black Friday (gasp) and thanksgiving. Its a month that leads up to Christmas and has so much joy to offer.
I am blessed to have reached another year in my life and have also accomplished so much in my last! I have a hunch that this next year will be nothing but new beginnings for so many reasons.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


So, I just changed my photo on my blog for the first time. I have had this blog almost three years now. My roommate at the time who also happens to be one of my best friends created this blog for me. I know not many people know about it, but I am okay with that. It really is just a way to express what I am feeling in words. Like writing in my diary but typing on a keyboard instead. A lot has happened to me in the last three years. Things totally out of my control but Gods plan all along.
I am now reaching the 23 mark. Graduated. Living away from home. Single. Making not enough money. Working two jobs. A friend. A daughter. A sister. A 4 yr old teacher. A server on the weekends. And a little girl in Gods kingdom.
I know where I am right now I wont be here long. Where I am off to next, I think about everyday because I don't know. I want to pick up and explore but I always feel something tugging on me. My twenties are for all mistakes and lessons. For my "ah ha" moments and to take in every moment I can. To have the littlest things makes me happy and to never settle.
With all the engagements around me and wedding talk. It doesn't have me excited for my own really (well maybe a little) but it makes me realize that I have so much to look forward too, to feel and to see for my future.
I have a whole bucket of faith with me each decision I will be making in my 23rd year. Because this year I just think something totally unexpected will happen.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

so honored

The day has finally come, my cousin who has also turned into a best friend is engaged! I couldn't be more excited for her and to know she is marrying one heck of a guy who I have grown to love! Today we spent the day at the wedding fair! It was so fun seeing all the brides there and people they love most. We were very successful today with some booking! Before we went in she gave me this special gift in asking me to be her maid of honor, I couldn't even read it all before my eyes filled with tears, I said yes and hugged the crap out of her. She was so beautiful and her ring just glowed.
The picture of us above was taken about a year ago, when we spent a fall day with our grandma and aunt attending a winery, went into some shops and had dinner. I was reminded today, even though I knew it was about a year ago that Ali and I discussed our weddings a bit. I knew she was going to marry Jared and I was single at the time and still currently am, but we agreed to be each others maid of honor. We don't have sisters and have too many great friends to pick just one, so how perfect to have it be family. In one year later the day has come. I am so excited to help plan and be apart of the so very special day. The planning will be so fun, all leading up to the day she will marry her best friend.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 years ago

I was starting my senior year of college. The emotions are sinking in that tomorrow when everyone else goes off to school, I will be off to work. While college students pass time with their friends between classes going on adventures, playing pranks, napping, eating, laughing, doing an assignment last minute, or simply doing nothing at all. The chapter has now been closed in my life. The four year vacation is now over and so begins the process on where God wants me to be. My college experience could not of gone any better, the friends that turned into family, the experience, jobs I've had, boys I've loved and the memories that have been made. Some of my best friends I have found here. We had such a big loving group and I am so thankful for each friendship. How do you even try to describe something so great? You cant because you lived it. I could ramble on about my four fabulous years but I have pictures and stories to help keep it a live. Growing up is emotional, stressful and scary.
It was weird not preparing for classes, getting supplies and receiving emails from my professor's. In high school I never thought college would come nor did I think after college would already be here. The person who I am now is a big thanks to the last four years and how it has shaped me and taught me so many ways. I appreciate every hurt and joy that I have overcome along the way.
I am glad for technology so I can keep in touch with the people who light up my world each day, my girlfriends.
"you get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place. like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again..."

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A day Off

-Make time for others and for yourself every, single, day. But spend more time on others.
- No matter what you do, someone will have something negative to say about it. Love them anyways.
- Vulnerability means you're putting yourself out there for something that really matters, go after it.
- Sunshine can be found in seemingly uncommon places. Don't just pass things by because they don't immediately stand out.
-Some days, forget about the calories and eat a freaking huge bowl of ice cream.
- Music is good for the soul. 
- You don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Make sure you do things you're proud of.
- Love will come easy sometimes, and other times it will be the hardest thing you choose to do. But you must always, always choose love.
- Dwell on what you can do, not on what you can't.
- Stay surrounded by positive and uplifting people.
- Leave everywhere you go a little bit better than how you left it. This is Happiness in a nutshell.
I found this over at the blog Ashley always has such inspiring post you cant help but fall in love with this gal! After reading it I couldn't agree more. Something I have lived by for sometime now, is the most important thing in life is to be happy. As a college grad I may not know my path for the next year or be making the most money I could be at the moment, but I have so many great things to look forward too and I have the most amazing people in my life.
Today is my day off. Well, I requested it upon my mother because its her birthday! God Bless the women who turns 49 today. My best friend and mom. So today we get to spend the whole day together and enjoy each others company and to me that is great therapy.
So now I will continue sitting on the porch, drinking coffee, hanging out with two golden retrievers, and enjoying this beautiful day that God gave us!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My July

Well, summer is about over with! Time sure does fly as you get older! This is my first summer not living at home, not having a nanny job in sweats everyday, working a full time job and also living with no air. And I must say it hasn't been bad! I miss my family always and still have been very busy with a lot of fun things! So since I haven't posted yet this month due to the new job and the busy life living in my twenties this will be a picture load throughout the month!

 The 4th on good ol Forest Lake! With great friends of course.
 A guy who still looks as good as he did in High School!
 Tradition to go to the parade but not watch it? Yup.
 Haven't seen this handsome lad since we graduated! Always feels good to be home.
Then to the cabin for some fun. Yes, we are so cool :)
Dads girl.
This guy is my favorite, my brother.
The beauty in the middle has been my side kick since we were sixteen. And now at age 22 she is moving to her dream state Colorado. I could not be more excited to see her following her dreams. I cant wait to go along the adventure as well. A flight will take me out there in the near future . Distance doesn't stand a chance between our friendship. Here we had a going away dinner. Loves.
Bris Bachelorette party! First time golfing 9 holes and kind of rocked it!
God wanted us to be best friends/roommates/weird together forever
 A fun night and cant wait to see the bride on her big day!
Log Jam Christmas in July with the Bride to be this weekend! Love meeting this spit fire through the best job a college student could have.
We reached a fun level that night HA
This past weekend I had these two join me. Friendship is one of the best gifts in life and I am so blessed to have these two in my life.
Fun brewery tour we did!
Friends since 7th grade! Been through so many memories with this girl!
Ms. Danielle. Another blessed friendship.
August will also be filled as well! As school is about to start I don't know how my emotions will act that I really am done. What is my plan next is the big cloud hanging over my head lately.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Sometimes being 22 can be really hard. Your at the start of your career but not fully in the job of your dreams yet. Its the time where moving back home seems so far away. Friends around you are getting engaged and you are just praying that the right guy will come along sooner than later to sweep you off your feet. Disappoints lead to merely learning experiences and we must move on without looking back. But above all things we must trust God. He shows up the gifts we grave each day, and for that we always smile.
Sun set #1
 Sun set #2
 Stephs bachelorette party!! What a fun weekend and fun girls :)
 Celebrating another Fathers Day with this man!! The day was great and I'm so blessed to honor this hard working and loving man. Cheers to you Dad.
 The cabin :) you cant go to a cabin and not find so many reasons to smile. Its a place where love is everywhere, laughs are everywhere and memories are made. Its a place also that a sweatshirt and sweats is completely acceptable!
Babysitting, at age 22 its still the best job. Hanging out with little girls who look up to you. Its also a time to bring back out your inner childhood and play to get paid. She is one of four girls and boy they can be a handful!
So, at times when you feel impatient for anything, remember everything that makes you smile! Fix that attitude and trust everything will turn out to be okay!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What I'm Loving Lately

 My workouts after work. This cool weather has made them enjoy and the nature I see.
 The Cabin. You cant go wrong at a cabin. Spending time with family and friends in sweats next to a bonfire it one priceless gift. New second cousin in my arms and his mama :)
 This weekend I will experience my first bachlorette party! Scotti's sister Steph :)! My BFF in home for some fun from TN. I get to see her about once a year so this long weekend will be such a treat!!
 Also, being home was a treat. Starbucks is just a tradition with us girls from Flake :) thank goodness we have it! We got to celebrate graduation finally together, Scotti into pharmacy school and Lauren passed her board test!! Could not be more proud and happy for my friends and their futures.
The girls got to see my dads house for the first time! Since we aren't home much its hard to see everyone and everything. But my dad treasures mine and Jacks friends so much. Here my handsome brother who I love so much and two of my best girlfriends :) I love that we all love each other!
Just wanted to post quick to keep up with my diary of life :) deeper post coming soon with the new graduated life and whats to come next!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

I don't even know where to begin other that I am a college graduate. "College is the best four year vacation of your life". That sentence is what my mother told me before I started my journey and she could of not been more right. I am truly humbled by the people and this place for the past four years. I could of not picked a better school nor have found some of the greatest people in this world. As I sit in my room taking down memories I cant help but cry. Crying because the past four years have been amazing, crying because this town is quite now, crying maybe because I will never get these days back, crying for my roommates and friends who are moving far away and starting their next chapter, yea all of those could be reasons I suppose. I cant just label one reason. The degree I just earned will take me more places then I could even imagined I'm sure. When asked about the best thing I have learned during college.. I couldn't say the test that I didn't study enough for, or assignments that were late or earning a bad grade when I knew I should of tried harder.. its the random nights we drank, we went on an adventure, we stayed up all night talking about our future husbands, ordering pizza and vegging out, showing up at each others houses, always wearing sweat pants and the list could go on. Due to the crappy weather the Midwest has been having Spring was skipped then BAM graduation and summer. Zero time to prepare. Now, all that's left are memories and pictures and those can never be replaced or forgotten about.
One of my newest best friends I met this year. We were lucky to have graduated together in the morning. It also rained, snowed, sunny, cold and cloudy all in one day but hey we still made sure we were cute :)
 Proof: Bachelors of Art in Psychology

Grandpa Swanson, Grandpa McDowell and my Dad.. Three great men in my life.
 Grandma McDowell, Aunt Beth and my biggest supporter and best friend, my Mom
 My cake.. my mom took it so of course its a bit blurry ;)
 Morgan who came to celebrate and also Cullen flew in from NY to surprise us all. Came here to LJ after my family left took two shots and left. Diva status HA
 Some of the best people I have met here... we are not friends we are family.
 My brother came to celebrate. Missed the ceremony due to his passion of fishing but non the less wanted to celebrate me and my accomplishments and I am truly blessed to have him and also our relationship. God spoiled me with him and my YOUNGER brother.
 Dance Parties: They will never get old. This living room will be truly missed by so many. Dancing to 22 here :)
 The great sign hanging at Log Jam for all to see :) I almost felt famous knowing hundreds of people saw my name up there this weekend for graduation. So lucky to have such great bosses who are also proud of us!
 This year new friendships were created.. took four years of knowing each other but lucky to call them my best friends. The road will not stop here for the love we share.
 Day after graduation, Mothers Day Celebration! Another year in the books celebrating our awesome loving mother for 22 years :)
The last Wednesday many of us have here. New friends, old friends.. we all share the loving bond of this small Wisconsin town.
A quote to end on:
So instead of growin' up, we just throw down, And I never knew how much I would miss this town, And I don’t know where, I can’t say when, But I know it won’t be long til we at it again’