Thursday, May 16, 2013

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

I don't even know where to begin other that I am a college graduate. "College is the best four year vacation of your life". That sentence is what my mother told me before I started my journey and she could of not been more right. I am truly humbled by the people and this place for the past four years. I could of not picked a better school nor have found some of the greatest people in this world. As I sit in my room taking down memories I cant help but cry. Crying because the past four years have been amazing, crying because this town is quite now, crying maybe because I will never get these days back, crying for my roommates and friends who are moving far away and starting their next chapter, yea all of those could be reasons I suppose. I cant just label one reason. The degree I just earned will take me more places then I could even imagined I'm sure. When asked about the best thing I have learned during college.. I couldn't say the test that I didn't study enough for, or assignments that were late or earning a bad grade when I knew I should of tried harder.. its the random nights we drank, we went on an adventure, we stayed up all night talking about our future husbands, ordering pizza and vegging out, showing up at each others houses, always wearing sweat pants and the list could go on. Due to the crappy weather the Midwest has been having Spring was skipped then BAM graduation and summer. Zero time to prepare. Now, all that's left are memories and pictures and those can never be replaced or forgotten about.
One of my newest best friends I met this year. We were lucky to have graduated together in the morning. It also rained, snowed, sunny, cold and cloudy all in one day but hey we still made sure we were cute :)
 Proof: Bachelors of Art in Psychology

Grandpa Swanson, Grandpa McDowell and my Dad.. Three great men in my life.
 Grandma McDowell, Aunt Beth and my biggest supporter and best friend, my Mom
 My cake.. my mom took it so of course its a bit blurry ;)
 Morgan who came to celebrate and also Cullen flew in from NY to surprise us all. Came here to LJ after my family left took two shots and left. Diva status HA
 Some of the best people I have met here... we are not friends we are family.
 My brother came to celebrate. Missed the ceremony due to his passion of fishing but non the less wanted to celebrate me and my accomplishments and I am truly blessed to have him and also our relationship. God spoiled me with him and my YOUNGER brother.
 Dance Parties: They will never get old. This living room will be truly missed by so many. Dancing to 22 here :)
 The great sign hanging at Log Jam for all to see :) I almost felt famous knowing hundreds of people saw my name up there this weekend for graduation. So lucky to have such great bosses who are also proud of us!
 This year new friendships were created.. took four years of knowing each other but lucky to call them my best friends. The road will not stop here for the love we share.
 Day after graduation, Mothers Day Celebration! Another year in the books celebrating our awesome loving mother for 22 years :)
The last Wednesday many of us have here. New friends, old friends.. we all share the loving bond of this small Wisconsin town.
A quote to end on:
So instead of growin' up, we just throw down, And I never knew how much I would miss this town, And I don’t know where, I can’t say when, But I know it won’t be long til we at it again’

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