Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Its almost spring..

 Enjoying a bike ride on a night where the sun was setting
 Visiting great friends and enjoying the weather
 A true friend
 Two guys I adore and still remain friends since high school
 celebrating life
Two peas in a pod
Spring is almost here! It should of been here... mother nature is clearly just going through a crisis. I am so ready for the nice weather so we can play outside and just enjoy the last days of school that we have left!
This past weekend I finally made it up to Moorhead. One of my best friends goes to school there and I finally got to see where she has been spending the last four years! We had a great time. Meeting all her friends I hear about, laughing often, never having a plan (that's always the best) and making some great videos and taking pictures. I'm so glad this trip happened.
I think ill save a sappy post about graduation for another day. Today is just too beautiful to get emotional. But its so soon.
I have so many blessing in my life and new people coming in and touching my heart. I look to God for that, one of his gifts he loves giving me I think, new people. Some will come and go some will come and stay and some for what ever reason will leave a mark on your heart forever.

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