Monday, April 8, 2013

saving grace

 My night was blessed with two 9 year olds and makeup
 Just running errands with dad and getting Starbucks
 Easter Sunday
 One of the coolest cats I know
A new friendship
These photos have been taken recently and behind the big smile is still a girl who has shed a lot of tears lately.
Lately the thought of bittersweet change is getting to me a little more than I wish it would. When someone leaves your life for whatever reason that your heart has invested some time in takes some time to get use to. Knowing memories are the greatest things we can hold on too makes you cherish them so much more.
Being around people who love you no matter what and accept you actually who you are is the best therapy ever.
I am taking an intro to counseling class, where you have a chance to be the client, counselor and observer in a group of three. I love that class and I know it will help me with my future. It was my turn to be the client and I was set on what I was going to talk about for the next 20 minutes. My one group member is about 29 and she is great with this and it was her turn to be the counselor. As I expressed my stress and anxiety forming more and more in my life due to my unknown future she dug deeper into the feelings more than I had planned for. I was trying to keep it together and then she said " I can see you are holding back tears" then I lost it. It felt good but that wasn't the first time I lost it that week. Talk about mother nature getting the best of me. She began to speak again... "its OK to cry" It was a laugh cry session for the rest of the time. HA as the other two guys were observing in the other room I just felt like a hot mess but also not judge one bit.
I know my future was planned before I came into this world 22 years ago. I know all Gods gifts that he gives to me and all the people who are in my life that make it so bright. A verse a wonderful friend shared with me today "wait for the Lord, be strong and your heart be courageous, wait for the Lord" I am so excited to see what he has in store for me.

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