Friday, November 15, 2013


At the perfect place, log jam to celebrate 23 years. Some of these girls in here have now celebrated 5 birthdays with me! I cant believe how time flies. My day was perfect for turning 23. I had lunch with my mom and all the little ones gave me so much love that day. I hope this next year is better than the last. I feel my whole self changing and craving something more from this world.
 We visited Wilmar and Taylor the weekend before my birthday. We never get a good picture together.. I'm glad this one turned out decent :)
 Kate, my first best friend in college and Karissa I've gotten close to over the years! Love you two.
My heart has been heavy for change lately. Needing to move on from this place I am currently at. I know God has something amazing for me out there and I don't think its here anymore. How do you close a big chapter of your life and start a new fresh one? I guess Ill find out. I'm so thankful for the memories that I will carry forever and the best friends I have made that I will never forget. We are all ending up in different places in this world, thankfully we take a piece of each other where ever we go.  

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