Monday, December 16, 2013

Keep Calm and Adjust your Tiara

Today is the first day in about ten days where I can sit. Sit with not having to wait in a line of any sort, wait to be picked up to go celebrate many things or wait to have my car warm up before I head off to my next stop.
Right now I am staring out to the blizzard of snow coming down and sitting in a coffee shop. It brings such pure joy to enjoy a cup of great coffee and listen to Christmas music. Today marks the first time I had to pay back my first student loan and it makes me want to gag. But its apart of my big girl pants I have been trying to fit into the last few months.
This past weekend some of most favorite people graduated from college. Though I already had my time, it has hit me more this time around. Knowing just about everyone is going off to start their next chapter and we no longer will be in the same town makes my heart ache a bit. Realizing more than ever its really time for a big change and to move on. No one can take those memories away from you and yet some of the best times of our life is still to come.
Change is something that has turned my life upside down before and still adjusting too. But for myself I need it most. I need to get a different job, move to a different city and say goodbye to five years in Menom for good. I know I can do it, but having the best plan before I do so is a must.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Log Jam Christmas party :)
 My cousin, friend, and Bride to be at family Christmas.
Jack and baby Luke. Cutest thing ever.

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