Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 years ago

I was starting my senior year of college. The emotions are sinking in that tomorrow when everyone else goes off to school, I will be off to work. While college students pass time with their friends between classes going on adventures, playing pranks, napping, eating, laughing, doing an assignment last minute, or simply doing nothing at all. The chapter has now been closed in my life. The four year vacation is now over and so begins the process on where God wants me to be. My college experience could not of gone any better, the friends that turned into family, the experience, jobs I've had, boys I've loved and the memories that have been made. Some of my best friends I have found here. We had such a big loving group and I am so thankful for each friendship. How do you even try to describe something so great? You cant because you lived it. I could ramble on about my four fabulous years but I have pictures and stories to help keep it a live. Growing up is emotional, stressful and scary.
It was weird not preparing for classes, getting supplies and receiving emails from my professor's. In high school I never thought college would come nor did I think after college would already be here. The person who I am now is a big thanks to the last four years and how it has shaped me and taught me so many ways. I appreciate every hurt and joy that I have overcome along the way.
I am glad for technology so I can keep in touch with the people who light up my world each day, my girlfriends.
"you get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place. like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again..."

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