Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A day Off

-Make time for others and for yourself every, single, day. But spend more time on others.
- No matter what you do, someone will have something negative to say about it. Love them anyways.
- Vulnerability means you're putting yourself out there for something that really matters, go after it.
- Sunshine can be found in seemingly uncommon places. Don't just pass things by because they don't immediately stand out.
-Some days, forget about the calories and eat a freaking huge bowl of ice cream.
- Music is good for the soul. 
- You don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Make sure you do things you're proud of.
- Love will come easy sometimes, and other times it will be the hardest thing you choose to do. But you must always, always choose love.
- Dwell on what you can do, not on what you can't.
- Stay surrounded by positive and uplifting people.
- Leave everywhere you go a little bit better than how you left it. This is Happiness in a nutshell.
I found this over at the blog Ashley always has such inspiring post you cant help but fall in love with this gal! After reading it I couldn't agree more. Something I have lived by for sometime now, is the most important thing in life is to be happy. As a college grad I may not know my path for the next year or be making the most money I could be at the moment, but I have so many great things to look forward too and I have the most amazing people in my life.
Today is my day off. Well, I requested it upon my mother because its her birthday! God Bless the women who turns 49 today. My best friend and mom. So today we get to spend the whole day together and enjoy each others company and to me that is great therapy.
So now I will continue sitting on the porch, drinking coffee, hanging out with two golden retrievers, and enjoying this beautiful day that God gave us!

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