Tuesday, October 15, 2013


So, I just changed my photo on my blog for the first time. I have had this blog almost three years now. My roommate at the time who also happens to be one of my best friends created this blog for me. I know not many people know about it, but I am okay with that. It really is just a way to express what I am feeling in words. Like writing in my diary but typing on a keyboard instead. A lot has happened to me in the last three years. Things totally out of my control but Gods plan all along.
I am now reaching the 23 mark. Graduated. Living away from home. Single. Making not enough money. Working two jobs. A friend. A daughter. A sister. A 4 yr old teacher. A server on the weekends. And a little girl in Gods kingdom.
I know where I am right now I wont be here long. Where I am off to next, I think about everyday because I don't know. I want to pick up and explore but I always feel something tugging on me. My twenties are for all mistakes and lessons. For my "ah ha" moments and to take in every moment I can. To have the littlest things makes me happy and to never settle.
With all the engagements around me and wedding talk. It doesn't have me excited for my own really (well maybe a little) but it makes me realize that I have so much to look forward too, to feel and to see for my future.
I have a whole bucket of faith with me each decision I will be making in my 23rd year. Because this year I just think something totally unexpected will happen.

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