Tuesday, May 29, 2012

its a tuesday thing

My summer has started. It has been sometime since I have blogged and thankfully its because I have been busy, busy. Chicago was a marvelous time and I cant wait to go back. I have been catching up with my most favorite girls from high school and I could not find more joy in the simple things we do and the conversations that we have.

I am still not working yet, two more weeks of doing mad chores for my mother, running around doing a million errands and just spending time with the ones I love most. BUT within these next two weeks I have four great 21st birthday ahead. All dear friends who have touched me in some way. I cant wait to see all my best girls and celebrate the lives of them.

I love the colors in the picture above from pintrest... an addicting thing truly.

I guess I will be restless tonight trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow to a small town to celebrate something big. I'm single, why not shine right? That boy has been in my dreams too much lately, but I'm OK with that I guess. I love him right? Yes.

Cheers to date night with dad tonight and spending the night baking with him. I love simple nights like those. Did you treat turn out right, no. HAHA but it still taste good, all that matters.

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