Thursday, May 3, 2012

Faith, Hope and Love

I hate to be the sappy girl during a break up, but that's just life sometimes, and its OK to feel pain.  It means I am living and breathing right.  I stumbled upon this on weheartit and it fits because last night I had a long dream about the boy who I love and miss.  I never had dreams about him before, but in this dream we were not on talking terms but doing the same thing.  Just looking at one another and knowing that we both were hurting inside. When I woke up, it was almost sad but yet relieving because he was there with me.

I had great conversation with a great friend last night and she spoke to me in new ways I haven't yet thought of yet, and over these few days I have been trying to figure things out. Trying to figure out a boy I don't think I know any more.  But who he has been this past week, is not the person he was for seven months, and that person I know. I have to believe he still is that person but just needs a break. And I guess I do too. I have never felt a love like this, nor been in love. I truly believe we are meant to be together unless God has a different plan. But this break is part of his plan.  If we talked now, the hurt, sadness and anger would still rise and we would not be able to talk respectfully to one another. Being in love with someone is feeling all those things, but still never wanting to be apart and to fight and have great hope that things will work out with time.  Faith in God is Faith in his timing.

Enough about that, there are only less than two weeks of school left and many celebrations to look forward too.  I must enjoy each day, focus on finishing school strong, enjoying these final school days with  my friends, being patient and knowing everything will work out, loving him and missing him and knowing he is doing the same.

God has a plan for me, there is a reason why I am here, here in Menomonie getting a degree in psychology, God planned for Tony and I to meet, our story is too great to stop and the same with our love. I have a hope, God has given me a hope. I am blessed to know that and believe.

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