Friday, May 18, 2012

Start of Summer!

Today, is my last day of work. It was a great experience, but I am so ready to be done. To start summer, to start new things and to start new adventures.

It could not start off more perfect then driving with a best friend to see another best friend and to meet more best friends. First road trip of the summer. A great start to a new adventure in my life. I will have no summer classes this summer, and hopefully less family drama with my family. I have some great things to look forward too, my brothers graduation, nannying for a new family and the great adventures that being 21 has in store for me. I have a wonderful family and friends to ring all of this celebration in with.

On a more serious note.. I am healing. I miss him like crazy and in love with him still. Ill be honest that tears still come but I do not ever wanna settle for good not great. As Carrie preaches it well in Remind Me. I have thought many times that this is what God wants for us right now. To learn and grow being apart, maybe go on a few dates, experience some new things, but in the end, come back to one another. BUT we will see. I don't think it will happen with everyone, the feeling of wanting to spend forever with this person, the feeling of knowing the will always protect you and provide for you, the feeling of wanting to have a family with them.  I have to believe that is a sign, but sometimes being apart can only bring people closer.  When we both share a great faith in God, I know he is on our side and I must remain positive and pray.

Cheers to starting summer and a great weekend ahead!

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