Wednesday, May 16, 2012

its never goodbye

I have to admit that I do not like change.  I think its because the year I have been living I have loved so much and the people that are in it. I guess each year, things change and people change and we cant do anything about it and must embrace it. Change is a good thing and it makes up appreciate the past that much more because it has taught us so much. Each year has its up and downs, more ups. The exciting thing is, that things happen we never thought would in a million years, God works in great ways. I found love this past year and found new friendships and friendships with old friends got SO much stronger. But now with summer coming, moving home, starting another new chapter... that's change. Will things be the same ever again? No. If we focus too much on trying to predict the future and plan it, we are missing out on life right now. The most precious gift in the world. I have to remind myself to take a breathe and just think, everything will be OK, I am too young to fret, I would rather waste my time counting my blessing instead.

I am thankful to be able to live with the same girls next year and create more memories with them. And sometimes think that next year will be out last, then I just want to slap myself. I must not rush it. I am so blessed to have a house full of love and true friends I could not live without. Its not goodbye for the summer, we will see one another and celebrate each time for the love and friendship we share.

705 Wilson Bitties

I'm so glad this moment got captured. A friendship that was created freshman and now a friendship that will never be broken.  I am so thankful for the wonderful person and friend she has been to me. She wont be at school next year because she is flying to NYC to live out their with her man. It will be different, but I'm saving all my pennies so I can visit. It cant be goodbye, because I will see her again soon. We will have grown since our junior year of college and we will look back and laugh about our conversations and the hope we have for each others future full of life, love and happiness.

Last night I hugged the first love I have ever had. It was a hug to wish one another a great summer. It was a hug of hope, of still loving, of missing, of knowing when to do the right thing, a hug that isnt easy... but the best things in life dont come easy, a hug of memories and a hug for the future.  I am so blessed to have this past school year with him. He has taught me so much and I am so thankful for that. There is no anger or hurt, only hope. I dont know how big or how small but there is some. Doing the right thing can sometimes be the hardest thing. I need to enjoy this summer with my loved ones. Yet, I will miss him always. God has a plan, he does, and its the bes done.
We didnt say goodbye, instead he told me Ill be calling you. I wont wait, but I will look forward to when I can hear his voice again.

Cheers to summertime, to family, to best friends, to fishing, to getting sunkissed.  

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