Thursday, June 2, 2011


So, clearly summer has started because I have been on the run a lot lately. Too much to where I want to do nothing and watch movies. The main reason is one of the besties was only home for a short time so we had to throw in a million things into two weeks. No worries she will be back in July! ( month break, whew)  Others odds and ends, two of my roommates next year have already moved in to our little house!! That is so exciting and I am patiently waiting my turn HAHA also, my roommate, old one yes, but we still call her the roommate started moving her stuff in too.  I think its safe to say we are big girls now!! Here are some photos that will help explain the funness :)

 Scotti and I on the four-wheeler!
 mama and baby :)
 Gone fishing!!
 Aunti and Ava at the Zoo
My brother and I
Looking at the Seals at the Zoo
A night in the cities!
The two best guys in my life
Famous head tilt!


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