Sunday, June 26, 2011

he didnt kiss me!

So, my week has been stressed to the max. School, work, Mary Kay, family and friends.. the one thing that kept me smiling was a "new" boy who was saying way to sweet of words I thought I would never here!  He goes to my school, which is a PLUS because I have never dated anyone that really lives close to me.. not saying we are dating BUT if we did we would be close :) he is a bit different then what I usually go after but he is tall, plays basketball, and it cute but blonde.. (I like tall, dark and handsome) he lacks on the dark HA! 

But I will tell you, he took me on his boat, took me to dinner with his sister and her boy, bought me dinner and our dairy queen after, opened my doors and made me smile.  He was nervous and shy because he didn't show much affection towards me... which was different and I really wanted him too!  But its OK, we have things to look forward to now :)  A cute moment we did have was in the boat we were going fast.. 65 MPH fast may I add.  It was also sprinkling and I was getting pelted with rain so I put on his sweatshirt he gave me and the hood also (hellooo, the hair cannot get ruined) and he swerved, which can be scary! So when he did that I always gave him a look then smiled and laughed.  He then told me "you have a beautiful smile" which made me smile again. Too cute. 

Moral of the story it was a great time, but different. Perhpas the kiss next time :) I brought it up because it surprised me and he said he was shy when it came to those things, so thats alright! A more traditional date which is just fine.  He made breakfast for me and was waiting on the table when I got up.  I think there will be another one, but we will have to wait and see :)!

On to the night before, I had a little gathering at my house with my dear friend from school and my hometown girls, and some other friends... we had a good night but the "gathering" got a bit hectic and never again will I host HAHA

US girls :)

Kate and I a few weekends before!
My brother and two of my best friends, what a stud :)


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